Weekly Health Quiz: Coconuts, Pollution and Gratitude

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By Dr. Mercola

1 Coconut oil is an ideal cooking oil because:

  • It has superior shelf life
  • It resists heat-induced damage

    Coconut oil is an excellent choice for cooking, as it can resist heat-induced damage. Learn more.

  • It contains no trans fats
  • Coconut oil should not be used for cooking as it is easily oxidized by high heat

2 What is the primary ingredient in dental amalgam or so-called silver fillings?

  • Silver
  • Tine
  • Mercury

    So-called “silver” amalgam is actually 50 percent mercury, not silver, and the mercury vapors released when chewing or brushing pose a clear and present danger to health, especially your brain and kidneys. Don’t let another year …read more

    Source: mercola


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