Weekly Health Quiz: Cabbage, Processed Foods and Sleep

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By Dr. Mercola

1 What natural plant compound has been found to be a powerful remedy against cold, flu and other viral illnesses, and is a far safer alternative flu remedy than the antiviral drug Tamiflu?

  • Resveratrol
  • Quercetin

    Quercetin, a plant flavonol found naturally in apples, plums, red grapes, green tea, elder flower and onions, packs a powerful antiviral punch, inhibiting several strains of influenza, hepatitis B and C and other viruses. Learn more.

  • Coffee Fruit Extract
  • Berberine

2 Which of the following industry lobbying groups was in 2016 found guilty of money laundering and intentionally violating state campaign disclosure laws, and ordered to pay $18 million …read more

Source: mercola


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