VOM Radio: Persecution in Mexico – persecutionblog.com

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“Mike” and “Rose” serve the Lord in Mexico, where they planted a secret church in a tribal village hostile to evangelical work. They’d been warned that gospel work in that village was dangerous, but God’s call was clear. Several villagers came to Christ, and they began a secret Bible study.

But the Good News didn’t stay secret for long, and when village leaders learned of the secret Christian meetings Mike and Rose were evicted from their home and kicked out of the village. More than four years of laying foundations and planting seeds…seemingly eliminated in eight days.

“God!” they asked. “Why did You allow this to happen? Where was Your hand when we needed You?”

But God was faithful! He even used opposition and hostility to bring more villagers to Christ. Listen in as Mike and Rose share how God moved through that difficult time to encourage them and empower local Christians stand strong in their young faith, and draw others into the Kingdom.

Listen: Persecution Blog: VOM Radio: Persecution in Mexico

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