VOM Radio: Loren Cunningham Part 2; Update from Iraq – persecutionblog.com

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Listen to VOM Radio this week as we converse with two ministry leaders. First, we’ll share the second half of our conversation with Loren Cunningham, the founder of Youth With a Mission (YWAM). Listen as he talks about getting the Scriptures into every remaining language on earth ( End Bible Poverty Now ) and about the legacy words that are driving him forward with the ministry of YWAM all over the world.


Then we’ll hear from Charles Morris, President of Haven Ministries ( Haven Ministries ). Charles has just returned from northern Iraq, including villages recently liberated from ISIS control. What’s left of those villages? What challenges await Christians hoping to return to the homes ISIS kicked them out of? Listen in as Charles answers those questions and advises us on specific ways to pray for Christians and non-Christians in Iraq right now.


Listen: Persecution Blog: VOM Radio: Loren Cunningham Part 2; Update from Iraq

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