Visualizing The Elemental Composition Of The Human Body | ZeroHedge

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The human body is a miraculous, well-oiled, and exceptionally complex machine. It requires a multitude of functioning parts to come together for a person to live a healthy life—and every biological detail in our bodies, from the mundane to the most magical, is driven by just 21 chemical elements.


Of the 118 elements on Earth, just 21 of them are found in the human body. As Visual Capitalist’s Mark Belan and Anshool Deshmukh detail below, together, they make up the medley of divergent molecules that combine to form our DNA, cells, tissues, and organs.


Based on data presented by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), in the above infographic, we have broken down a human body to its elemental composition and the percentages in which they exist.


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