Vincent Van Gogh was crazy – for Christ –

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“Fascinating article on the spiritual life of famed artist Vincent Van Gogh and how his religious paintings and writings have been kept hidden for many years.”  Admin

“The best way to know God is to love many things,” said Vincent Van Gogh.

Most of us know the sordid story of a lovelorn Van Gogh chopping off his own ear.

Yet Van Gogh’s original heartbreak didn’t come from a French prostitute or the estrangement from his fellow painter Paul Gauguin, but from the church.

The frayed narrative of Van Gogh’s crummy love life and repeated rejection at the hands of les femmes, ignores his original great passion in life – the ministry of Jesus Christ (or Jezus Christus in Dutch).

Vincent was a socially progressive and idealistic young pastor who clashed with the rigid respectability of the Dutch Reformed Church in 1878. Ministering to starving miners and roughnecks, he suffered along in complete solidarity – ill-fed, dirty, cold and ugly. The church at the time didn’t much care for his scandalous empathy and abruptly cut off all support.

Read More  Vincent Van Gogh was crazy – for Christ.

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