Vax death count = COVID death count according to latest Rasmussen Reports poll – Steve Kirsch

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This is the most important poll they’ve ever done. Mainstream media will NEVER commission a poll like this. NEVER. So when they say the poll must be wrong, ask to see THEIR poll.

Executive summary

Why did the CDC never poll Americans as a “reality check” to make sure they got it right?


I’ve known the answer to that for a long time since I did polls of an unbiased audience long ago back on July 4, 2022. But of course nobody paid attention since I’m a “misinformation spreader.”


But now Rasmussen comes out with the most important poll they’ve ever done and the results are devastating.


You can watch it on YouTube and share with your friends.


The only question left is how long will it take YouTube to remove the video and ban Rasmussen forever?

The announcement

The video

Go check it out now before it is banned and make sure to post it to your social media. You can view the video on Rumble.


Read More: Vax death count = COVID death count according to latest Rasmussen Reports poll

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