UK: Traditional Views on Gay Marriage, Abortion, Pornography in Britain Rapidly Diminishing Says Study

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“It appears, even among those calling themselves Christians, that Britain is now solidly in a post Christian era.”  Admin

British people, especially Christians, are increasingly more accepting of same-sex marriage, abortion, pornography, and sex before marriage.

Conducted in 2016, the latest edition of the British Social Attitudes survey found acceptance of same-sex relationships has increased particularly rapidly in the last four years, especially amongst Christians.

A strong majority of the UK public, 64 per cent, now say same-sex relationships are “not wrong at all”, up from 57 per cent in 2013 – the year before gay marriage became legal.

On sex before marriage, three-quarters of Brits say it is “not wrong at all”, up dramatically from 42 per cent when the question was first asked in 1983.

Read More: Study: Traditional Views on Same Sex Marriage, Abortion, Pornography in Britain Rapidly Diminishing

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