UK: school to fingerprint children like criminals in order to monitor their diets –

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“At the end of the article it mentions a US company that has developed a “biometric classroom”. Developers of the classroom, SensorStar Labs, claim that cameras track students’ eye movements, conversations and even their emotions (like smiles). Now if that doesn’t epitomize Big Brother technology I don’t know what does.”  Admin

In another stellar example of the nanny state run amok, a public school in Britain has taken to fingerprinting students so officials there can keep an eye on what they are eating.

According to the Express & Star, a British newspaper, the Redhill School in Stourbridge is introducing a controversial (and costly) new biometric system “as part of a plan to implement a cashless system throughout the school.”

In order for students to be able to purchase their meals, they will be required to have their fingerprints read by a machine, which then converts the fingerprint into biometric data, which is then used to identify each pupil’s account.

Read More  UK school to fingerprint children like criminals in order to monitor their diets –