UK: Government plans regulation of faith leaders

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“One can understand why such regulations are contemplated. With radical Imam’s preaching against Western values, culture and tolerance of any other religions an environment is created where monitoring such preaching is necessary for the preservation of a safe and orderly society. Unfortunately there are always unintended consequences when you start down such a road.”  Admin

Proposed legislation leaked to the media outlines how the United Kingdom government plans to oversee religious leaders and their messages.

“If the reports are accurate, what the government is proposing turns the clock back on religious freedom more than 300 years,” said Ciaran Kelly, a spokesman for the Christian Institute.

“Not since the days of the notorious Test and Corporation Acts have we seen such a concerted attempt by a British government to restrict religious practice,” Kelly said in an institute report Tuesday. “We don’t want to go back to those darker days of religious intolerance.”

It was the London Telegraph’s Andrew Gilligan who obtained a copy of the plan.

“Imams, priests, rabbis and other religious figures will have to enroll in a ‘national register of faith leaders’ and be subject to government-specified training and security checks in the Home Office’s latest action on extremism,” he reported.

“The highly controversial proposal appears in a leaked draft of the government’s new counter-extremism strategy, seen by The Telegraph, which goes substantially further than previous versions of the document.”

Read More: Government plans regulation of faith leaders