UK: Academia Legitimizes Extremist Speakers –

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“What an astonishing article! It appears British academia is aiding and abetting it’s own destruction by promoting these radical Islamic speakers who, I’m sure, consider such academics useful idiots. While British authorities ban entrance to Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller they appear to have no problem letting in purveyors of hate and intolerance like this individual. It almost appears British authorities by their actions are trying to advance the cause of radical Islam and undermine their own culture while Prince Charles participates in the Sword Dance in Saudi Arabia.”  Admin

What chance do Muslim and non-Muslim students — who oppose the incitement to hatred against non-Muslims and the subjugation of women — have of exposing extremists such as Al-Kawthari, if he is pronounced a “representative voice of Islam” by academics who claim to be experts on the British Muslim community?

Extreme Islamic preachers do not only appear on university campuses at the request of radicalized students; increasingly, extremists are afforded a university platform, with all the credibility that comes with it, by the academics themselves.

The Centre for the Study of Islam, based at the University of Cardiff in Wales, for instance, has recently announced a lecture series starting this February. The Centre was opened in 2005 by Yusuf Islam, the former musician known as Cat Stevens who has called for apostates and adulterous women to be stoned to death. In keeping with that spirit, one of the presentations this February is to be delivered by Muhammad ibn Adam Al-Kawthari, who will be discussing “The Role of a Mufti in Modern Society.”

Speaking to Wales Online, the Centre’s Director, Dr Sophie Gilliat-Ray, said, “We’ve managed to attract some of the leading experts to offer thought-provoking insights into various aspects of Muslim life in the UK.”

In 2011 several student societies at the University of York actually organized a campaign against a proposed visit by Al-Kawthari to the University; they claimed he promoted intolerant and violent ideas

It seems he supports the killing of adulterers:

Read More  Academia Legitimizes Extremist Speakers.