Two Cloth Angels Bring A Heavenly Message Of Encouragement

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“Just shows how important it is to listen to and do what the Holy Spirit prompts you.” Admin

A big ol’ Texas-style Easter Mass? Count me in! St. Mary’s Catholic Cathedral in Amarillo was an hour from Borger, our small town, but my husband, Mervin, and our son, Vinay, and I couldn’t wait to make our first trip there.

Just as we were about to leave, a thought stopped me in my tracks: Take two angels.

I had a stockpile of little fabric angels. Reminders that God was with me, always. But why would I bring some to a church I’d never been to? Take two angels with you. There it was again! I grabbed two of my angels, dropped them in my bag, and hurried out.

Read More An Angelic Messenger.