Turning Shipping Containers Into Urban Farms | Innovation | Smithsonian

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At any given time, there are upwards of 700,000 unused shipping containers in the United States. Some clever architects have hacked these 40-foot steel compartments into skate parks, libraries, emergency shelters and surprisingly beautiful homes.

But Daniel Kuenzi has a new one. The Washington, D.C.-based entrepreneur is turning derelict shipping containers into urban farms.

Challenge Cup event in Washington, D.C. in October. He won the cities category of the regional contest and will compete in the global finals this May.”

A self-described “hobbyist gardener,” Kuenzi grew up in Redmond, Washington—home to Microsoft—during the tech boom of the 1990s. “At a young age I saw the impact a dedicated group of entrepreneurs could have on the world,” he says. He studied business at the University of Southern California and worked for an early-stage investment group that fostered promising startups in Los Angeles, before moving east to enroll in Georgetown University’s MBA program. He co-founded Local Roots Farms in 2013.


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