Tucker Carlson warning: Desperate deep state will throw entire world into chaos to stop President Trump… – Revolver News

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“After watching the interview you’ll know why we must be in prayer that the evil plans of the globalists and the Dems will be thwarted by God.” Admin


President Trump is gearing up for his third presidential election win, and his very presence on the ballot is driving DC’s most powerful swamp creatures to lose their minds. Back in 2016, President Trump slipped past the deep state and secured a win they never saw coming. They never imagined an outsider like him could get in. They likely believed their psyops and propaganda were still working on the American people, and despite the excitement for Turmp, Hillary Clinton was a shoo-in. But it didn’t go as planned. Trump won and turned the US shadow government inside out.


That’s why, in 2020, we experienced a conveniently timed “pandemic” during the election, which allowed an unprecedented flood of unregulated mail-in ballots. It was a complete free-for-all that ended with a so-called “historic” victory for Joe Biden. He was supposedly so popular that he beat both Obama’s and Trump’s records for votes.


Do you honestly believe that? By now, if you do, you’re probably a loyal CNN viewer, and there’s no hope for you.


And that’s why Americans are now walking on eggshells, wondering what the deep state has up its sleeve for 2024. After all, against all odds, President Trump survived an assassination attempt, so what’s next? If you listen to Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones, worldwide chaos is next on the list


Watch: Tucker warning: Desperate deep state will throw entire world into chaos to stop President Trump… – Revolver News