TSA Announces “biometrics vision for all commercial aviation travelers”

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As we’ve been covering for some time, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has a mandate that’s been 15 years in the making to integrate government databases for ID verification. The plan always has been to make this a requirement for passengers, and it has started rolling out in select areas. Furthermore, private companies have been enlisted to ensure that there is a “quick and easy roll out across U.S. airports,” according to Jim Peters, chief technology officer for SITA, one of the information technology companies working with airlines.


Homeland Security was explicit in their 18-page memo from June 2017 that “the only way for an individual to ensure he or she is not subject to collection of biometric information when traveling internationally is to refrain from traveling.” Now, according to a new “Biometric Roadmap” from the TSA, detailed below by The Identity Project, we can see the level of commitment to accelerating incremental enforcement for all domestic and international air travel (“notional phased approach” in TSA-speak).  Of course when it comes to the TSA, airports may not be the final destination. Biometric ID is already spreading from planes, to trains, to events and to conferences.


Read More: TSA Announces “biometrics vision for all commercial aviation travelers”