The Torchlighters is a series of animated programs with strong values and educational content for youth ages 8-12. Each 30-minute episode presents the story of a true-life hero from Christian history. Kids will be challenged to shine the light of Jesus while learning about the history of our faith. Director: Robert Fernandez
The Torchlighters: The Jim Elliot Story (2005) | Episode 1 | Stephen Larriva | Robert Fernandez
The Torchlighters: The William Tyndale Story (2005) | Episode 2 | Russell Boulter
The Torchlighters: The John Bunyan Story (2006) | Episode 3 | David Thorpe | Robert Fernandez
The Torchlighters: The Eric Liddell Story (2007) | Episode 4 | Kenny Blyth | Robert Fernandez
The Torchlighters: The Gladys Aylward Story | Episode 5
The Torchlighters: The Richard Wurmbrand Story (2019) | Episode 6 | Mihail Somanescu
The Torchlighters: The Perpetua Story (2009) | Episode 7 | Jasmine Jones | Robert Fernandez
The Torchlighters: The Amy Carmichael Story (2010) | Episode 8 | Alison Pettitt
The Torchlighters: The William Booth Story (2011) | Episode 9 | Justin Butcher | Russell Boulter
The Torchlighters: The Samuel Morris | Episode 10 | Alvin Mainah | Robert Fernandez
The Torchlighters: The Augustine Story (2013) | Episode 11 | Russell Boulter | David Thorpe
The Torchlighters: The Corrie ten Boom Story (2013) | Episode 12 | Christa DeRidder
The Torchlighters | Episode 13 | The John Wesley Story | David Thorpe | Russell Boulter
The Torchlighters: The Robert Jermain Thomas Story (2015) | Episode 14 | Tristan Beint | Peter Kim
The Torchlighters: The Martin Luther Story (2016) | Episode 15 | Stephen Daltry | David Reggi
The Torchlighters: The Adoniram and Ann Judson Story (2017) | Episode 16 | Danielle Chambers
The Torchlighters: The Harriet Tubman Story (2018) | Episode 17 | Tanasha Friar | Alfrelyn Roberts
The Torchlighters: The George Müller Story (2019) | Episode 18 | Stephen Daltry | Alison Pettitt
The Torchlighters: The St. Patrick Story | Episode 19 | David Thorpe | Max Marshall
The Torchlighters: The Mary Slessor Story | Episode 20 | Alison Pettit | Cosmos Kaguah
The Torchlighters: The John Newton Story | Episode 21
The Torchlighters: The Richard Allen Story | Episode 22
The Torchlighters | The William Carey Story
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