Toddler Permanently Brain Damaged by a Mystery Combination Vaccination That Her Parent’s Did Not Consent To

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By Admin – Orissa

Jodie Marchant (center) with her parents. Jodie became permanently brain-damaged after receiving mystery vaccine-combination without informed consent.

by Christina England
Health Impact News

On May 17, 1993, Mr. and Mrs. Marchant took their daughter, Jodie, to the doctor for her 14-month check-up. Jodie was fit and healthy and meeting all her milestones, so her parents agreed for her to be vaccinated with the MMR vaccination, a decision that will haunt them forever. Mr. Marchant explained to us what happened the moment that Jodie received her vaccination:

Jodie let out a high-pitched scream and appeared to be in a state of shock. Her eyes became …read more

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