THOUSANDS OF What Appear To Be ABSENTEE BALLOTS Are Loaded Into A Minivan With Indiana Plates At Detroit Satellite Voting Center Several Hours After Polls Closed On Election Day 2020 [VIDEO]

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On the evening of the 2020 election, a full 3 hours and 15 minutes after the polls closed in Michigan, a white male dressed in a white shirt and black pants can be seen on drop box surveillance footage at the Heilmann Satellite Voting Center in Detroit working with a black male dressed all in black to load what appears to be thousands of absentee ballots into a minivan with Indiana license plates.


The two men are seen rolling a flatbed filled with 13 postal trays used to transfer ballots in Detroit, 3 large (heavy) storage containers, and a large filled blue bag with red straps (we believe this bag was used to transfer ballots from satellite voting centers, potentially to the Detroit City Clerk’s office), and two open boxes filled with absentee ballots into the back of a black minivan that is backed up next to the drop box. It should be mentioned that, according to a thorough examination of the surveillance tapes by MC4EI, a scant total of 95 ballots were deposited throughout the day on Election Day, and only ONE ballot was dropped off after 6 pm on Election Day—so, where is this massive haul of ballots coming from?


Read/Watch: THOUSANDS OF What Appear To Be ABSENTEE BALLOTS Are Loaded Into A Minivan With Indiana Plates At Detroit Satellite Voting Center Several Hours After Polls Closed On Election Day 2020 [VIDEO]