‘This is a tidal wave of revival taking place’ – wnd.com

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“Excellent article on the many Biblical themed movies that have come out recently and the impact they are having not only here but elsewhere in the world.”  Admin

Nearly crushed under the press and paparazzi on the Hollywood red carpet Friday night, “Jesus” bore each flashbulb and barked question from reporters with the calm reserve of a man accustomed to being under fire from the media.

But when WND asked Diogo Morgado, the man who plays “Jesus” in the movie “Son of God,” about the reports of people whose lives have been impacted by the film, the award-winning actor’s face lit up with child-like glee.

“Oh yeah,” Mordago gushed, “we’ve had a lot of feedback. And the most interesting came from places I never imagined, places like Zimbabwe, like Thailand, Asia, Japan, places I’ve never visited. When we were in Morocco shooting the film, we never imagined in our wildest dreams that places like that would be reached with this message of the love of Jesus Christ.”

“Personal stories as well,” chimed in Darwin Shaw, who played the disciple Peter in the film. “I’ve even had a priest say that after seeing our work, it brought him back to his faith. It’s amazing.”

“Even atheists,” Morgado added, “they’ve said, ‘I’ve never believed in anything in particular, but now I’m rethinking.’ It’s such an overwhelming feeling. I couldn’t imagine a better testimony than the [movie’s] testimony of love and the love of Jesus Christ as a fingerprint of my presence in this world.”

Read More  ‘This is a tidal wave of revival taking place’.