These Mosquitos Became Unlikely Angelic Messengers – Guideposts

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Only a couple more hours to go, I told myself. At last, we’d made it to northern Indiana after driving all afternoon and evening, heading home from a family vacation in Wisconsin. We’d gotten a late start packing up, none of us wanting to leave our lakeside haven before we had to. Now I was paying the price, my body exhausted. I didn’t want to take a break from driving now, though. It would be past midnight when we pulled into the driveway as it was.


I turned on the radio, softly, so as not to disturb the slumber of my wife, Jeannie, beside me. I was on a two-lane state highway, headed due south to Indianapolis. It was slower than the interstate, but less stressful. I generally didn’t mind driving late at night, though I really could have used a cup of coffee. I glanced at our three sleeping children, ages 14, 10 and 6, squeezed into the back seat of our Chevy Cavalier. Please, God, keep me alert. I didn’t really expect any divine intervention, my prayer more of a message to myself.


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