The Simple Prayer That Brought My Wonderful Bride

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In the spring of 1974, a young woman attended a service at the little church where I had come to faith in December 1971 as a 16 year-old heroin-shooting, LSD-using, Jewish hippie rock drummer. Little did I know that this 19-year-old red-haired young lady—at that time a Jewish atheist—would soon come to faith in Jesus, becoming my very best friend and soulmate for more than 39 years.

It was truly miraculous and, without a doubt, orchestrated by the Lord.I know that it’s the trend these days to wait a while before getting married, but back in the early 1970s, in particular in our church circles, all the teens were dating and were eager to get married, including my two best friends, both of whom had girlfriends at the time.

When would I meet the one God had for me?

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