The Sign Of The Devil Has Appeared In New York City

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“Some food for thought regarding the crazy times we are living in.” Admin

Sometimes people do things that have extreme spiritual significance without even realizing it.  When I watched Jonathan Cahn’s latest video on Tuesday, I knew that I had to write about what just happened in New York City.  From June 16th through June 19th, a 270 foot dragon was wrapped around the Empire State Building.


In addition, giant banners that featured dragons with the ominous message “all must choose” were draped over iconic landmarks all over the Big Apple, and restaurants throughout the city were featuring dragon-themed menu items.  All of this was being done to promote the second season of “House of the Dragon”, and those behind this campaign probably did not intend to deliver any sort of a spiritual message.


But as Jonathan Cahn correctly observed in his new video, there are times when people do things that are highly symbolic without even understanding the true significance of their actions.


Read More: The Sign Of The Devil Has Appeared In New York City