The Savior (2017) Full Movie | Bible Stories | Life of Jesus

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It is a time when Rome rules the world with the power of life and death in its hands. The Roman province of Palestine is a bubbling cauldron of discontent. Onto this greater canvas Luke narrates the miraculous story of the man who changed the world. The Savior is a fresh portrayal of the life of Jesus with dialogue taken directly from the Gospel of Luke. It follows Jesus from his upbringing to his death and resurrection. The project was filmed entirely in Israel and Palestine using local actors, giving it a look and feel of authenticity. It has been translated into dozens of languages and broadcast around the world, bringing a realistic and faithful representation of the gospel to diverse audiences.

Directed by Robert Savo

Starring Shredy Jabrin, Zuhair al Noubani, Yussuf Abu-Warda, Mohammad Bakri, Ghassan Mashini, Ashraf Barhom

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  • Categories: Biblical