The Rigging Act Two: ActBlue – Harris Campaign Using ActBlue for Money Laundering Scheme – Geller Report

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“The criminality of the Dems is mind boggling, if there is a way to lie, steal or cheat to win they will use it. Must read article on their criminal money laundering scheme. We need to be in serious prayer asking God to expose and bring to nothing the Dems cheating ways.” Admin

888,000 “grassroots” donors in just the last 24 hours. A new record! Bullshit.

Reports indicate that $20 million from Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss was broken down into over 1.6 million donations across 400,000 donors, raising serious questions about the legitimacy of these contributions….

Similar allegations have surfaced before. ActBlue has faced scrutiny for its donor verification processes, which some argue may permit illegal contributions and foreign money to flow into American political campaigns.


Read More: The Rigging Act Two: ActBlue – Harris Campaign Using ActBlue for Money Laundering Scheme – Geller Report