The Power Of The Resurrection [1958] Full Movie | Richard Kiley, Jon Shepodd

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Dove Review

The Power of the Resurrection does a commendable job in sharing the inspiring story of the influence of Jesus on the disciples, particularly Simon Peter. From the opening sequence, with Peter witnessing to a young man while in jail, to the ending when he preaches a powerful sermon after being filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, this is a remarkable film.

As one follower of Jesus is taken from the cell, a young man cries and Peter, to quiet him down and calm him, begins to tell his story of walking with Jesus. “Loud and boastful I was,” he says. “Oh, proud I was of my faith in the Master.”

In an early scene there is a discussion among a few men of Lazarus and him being raised from the dead. One man plainly declares he believes the Almighty performed the miracle through the Galilean, Jesus. There is a bit of creative license in the film as the filmmakers imagined how a few conversations might have gone, but it is all based on scriptural events. This includes Judas Iscariot working it out for Jesus to be captured, and a comment is made about Jesus showing his power to the Romans, which would appeal to Peter’s vanity.

Peter shares the story of Jesus calling Lazarus from the tomb, and humorously suggests he was the first one to detect movement in the tomb! In another scene Peter visits an armor shop and purchases a sword. This is set up to explain why he has one and cuts off the ear shortly afterwards of the man who attempts to arrest Jesus in Gethsemene. Peter explains to a Roman guard who wanders in that he has to travel and there have been crimes on the road. The guard tells the shop owner it’s all right, “As long as he’s not a bandit himself.”

Peter and John speak soon after this event and Peter tells John he will defend the master if needs be. They also speak of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, astride the donkey, and the chants of “Hosanna! Hosanna!” from the people.

The Dove Take


This film is a faithful telling of the last days of Jesus, leading up to His death and resurrection, and every family member will be caught up in its inspiring story.

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  • Categories: Biblical