The Polio vaccine rollout–the 40,000 injured kids, the secret contamination with cancer-causing monkey viruses, and the surge in cancer cases 30 years later

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By Thomasina Copenhaver

The Polio Vaccine, like all others, came about because of public
demand for it. Public demand comes down to one word: Fear. Rightfully so,
because people who don’t understand the nature of viruses want to rush “science”
to find a “cure”. The same is true for cancer. Rushing a vaccine is never a
good idea; the long-term consequences can never be determined in short-term
trials. The same mistakes hold true today.

After years of watching loved ones slowly succumb to the
terrifying struggle to walk and breathe, followed by destruction of the brain-the
word polio struck fear into the heart of every American. At the height of the
“epidemic” …read more



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