The jabbed aren’t just unprotected against COVID, they’re also suffering the most – LifeSite

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I imagine that a lot of people are feeling betrayed right now. They followed “the science” and got injected with a biologic that has caused, for many, some serious side-effects. Stuff like myocarditis, fertility and menstrual changes, even a rise in cancer, and our newly discovered “sudden adult death syndrome.”


The actuarial data prove a sharp increase in the death rate that corresponds closely with the increase in “vaccination.” People got COVID shots and, despite assurances of safety, at least one-in-ten suffered or died from them. Now the “vaccinated” are getting COVID, despite the shots. In fact, in our hyper-vaccinated California neighborhood, almost everyone I know who got his shots has had COVID by now, some more than once.


Today, I emailed someone in New York, only to find he had COVID. I took my wedding ring to be re-sized a couple of weeks ago and found out that the whole staff of the shop (except the elderly, unvaccinated owner) was out with COVID. My friend’s daughter just got married, and ten people got COVID at the rehearsal dinner – an entire table, every diner, all close family and, of course, all vaccinated.


Read More: The jabbed aren’t just unprotected against COVID, they’re also suffering the most – LifeSite

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