The Heavens Declare – Kyle Justice

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Published on May 28, 2019


We’ve been told by mainline science the universe is billions of years old. The Big Bang is a proven fact and distant starlight is supposed to verify the age of the universe. But is that really the case? Kyle Justice shares segments from his documentary series, The Heavens Declare, where five experts share compelling evidence for the universe being created, and not that long ago as the Bible indicates. Dr. Faulkner, Dr. Lisle, Dr. Humphreys, Dr. DeYoung, and Spike Psarris will share about the origin of the universe, the mystery of distant starlight, and challenges to the Big Bang. You’ll be encouraged in your faith of God’s Word!

Kyle Justice grew up in Portland, Oregon. After marrying in 1991, Kyle went to work for major cable networks and became Emmy nominated. In 1996 he produced the first kids creation science show, The X-Nilo Show, then producing nationally aired program, The Creation Network. When his oldest son, Noah was a young teenager, Kyle began producing Awesome Science, a twelve-episode series used by homeschoolers and aired throughout the world. His family of eight now travel the country shooting many science kids shows and documentaries from a Biblical worldview. His programming is now seen by viewers throughout the world and is on most major Christian VOD platforms. He continues to produce programming, including a new documentary refuting the growing belief in the Flat Earth. His programs can also be seen on Kyle’s exclusive SVOD platform, Kyle and his wife now live in Ridgefield, WA and have been married over 28 years.

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