The Guardian of Highway 277 | Guideposts

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Click! I buckled my son, Gregory, into his car seat and hopped into the driver’s side. Gregory had a pediatrician appointment, and I was running behind schedule. I glanced at the dashboard clock. Please don’t let us be late.

Cynthia with her son, GregoryI followed the speed limit, going not a mile over or under, and headed for the highway.

Since the Eagle Ford shale oil boom, the roads near my west Texas town were busy. Highway 277 used to be wide-open for miles. Now it was packed with 18-wheelers. It got a little crowded on that tiny, two-lane Texas highway. I said a prayer every time I got on it. Just in case.

As I came up on the ramp, I pressed on the brake to yield for a van. Lord, look after us. I pulled out behind it. Come on, buddy. He was doing 50. The speed limit was 70.

Read More  The Guardian of Highway 277 | Guideposts.