The Earth Has No Average Temperature – American Thinker

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“Excellent article showing the basic fraud of a “global average temperature” and the climate models used to try and calculate it.” Admin


Frequently, I read where a politician like John Kerry; Al Gore; Joe Biden; or António Guterres, the secretary general of the U.N., has stated: “We must keep the increase of the average temperature of the Earth to 1.5°C or less; it has already risen 1.1°C since the beginning of the industrial age.”  The implication of such a statement is that the Earth is on a path to thermal destruction if we humans don’t take action to save the planet.  Aside from exhibiting the height of man’s hubris to think that we could control any basic aspect of nature; such a statement demonstrates either a profound ignorance about fundamental physics or an intent to deceive.  I suspect that it is both.


The concept of an average temperature of the Earth is a figment of the climate scientist’s imagination, conjured up to try to prove a fraudulent hypothesis.  The Earth has no average temperature; the temperature of the Earth is different at every point in time and space.  The Earth is never in thermal equilibrium.  It should be apparent to anyone that if you add two temperatures together and average them, you get a meaningless number.  A calculation of similar value would be to determine the average ZIP code in the United States to locate the average American city (49663 — Manton, Mich., pop. 1,324).


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