The Dinosaur Hunters – Patrick Nurre

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Multimedia Presentation by Patrick Nurre

Apologetics Symposium

Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA

April 3, 2019

This is the story of the beginning of American Paleontology, the early dinosaur hunters, the early discoveries and the black eye on American Paleontology that was a consequence of the bitter rivalry between colleges, institutions and men in the discovery and naming of the early dinosaur finds. We are still paying the price for the greed, self-centeredness and mistakes of those early “heroes” of American Paleontology in the late 1800s. It is also an exciting story of courage in the midst of the Sioux Wars that were raging at the time.

About the Speaker:

Patrick Nurre was trained in secular geology, but after becoming a Christian, he began to seriously reevaluate his previous evolutionary beliefs, and became, instead, a young-earth creationist. Patrick has done field study in the Pacific Northwest, the Midwest and Plains states, the Southwestern U.S., and Israel. He conducts geology classes (PreK-12) and seminars in the Seattle area, and speaks at numerous home school and church conventions on geology and our young earth. He also leads a variety of geology field trips every year, including Yellowstone Park, where he helps families discover the Biblical geology of the Park. See his geology education website at

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