The Cassini Legacy at Saturn – Mr. David Coppedge

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Rocky Mountain Creation Fellowship

Jan. 19, 2020

“You may have to turn up the volume to better hear what he is saying.” Admin

This image-rich program will share some of the major discoveries at the Saturn system, including the planet itself, its rings, moons, magnetic field, and the giant moon Titan. The Cassini mission tour (2004-2017) was the most ambitious and well-equipped outer-planet mission to date, sending to Earth a wealth of data and images, some of which is of interest to Biblical creationists concerning the age of the solar system. The speaker will also briefly discuss his persecution over sharing intelligent design with co-workers, and how it ended in a nationally-publicized court trial.
David Coppedge (B.S. Secondary Education, B.S. Astrophysics) worked at JPL on the Cassini mission for 14 years, from before launch into the second extended mission. A very active creationist, he has led the southern California Bible-Science Association 25 years, and is a popular speaker and writer, having written for ICR, CMI, the Discovery Institute, and his own science news website, Creation-Evolution Headlines ( for almost 20 years. He also founded a creation hiking club called Creation Safaris (, which he led for 34 years. He has also been on the board of Illustra Media since its inception 20 years ago, and serves as a science consultant.
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