The Bible vs. the Quran – Shahram Hadian

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Streamed live on Sep 23, 2016

This lecture briefly covers the Bible in its authenticity, multiple witnesses being given the revelation, and manuscript evidence. The majority of the time is spent exposing the lack of authenticity in the Quran, including no other eye witnesses to the revelation given to Muhammad, and no original manuscript evidence. Also, we go through internal contradictions in the Quran, external contradictions to history and science, abrogation, and contradictions to Biblical stories.

Speaker: Shahram Hadian speaks around the nation with a heart to awaken America, and especially the church. As a Christian pastor and former Muslim, he is deeply grieved over Christian pastors and missional leaders promoting the false gospel of Chrislam in their effort to be culturally sensitive to Muslims.

Shahram was born in Iran and came to America with his family at the age of 7 to escape an oppressive Islamic regime. He is a proud US citizen. He experienced a transformational life change when he committed his life to Jesus Christ in 1999. He has served his local community as a pastor, police officer, teacher and coach and was a candidate for WA State Governor in 2012

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