The Best Pandemic Money Can Buy –

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At the beginning of this medical psy-op, Dr. Anthony Fauci told the world that millions could die in the US of COVID-19, which of course didn’t happen. Yet, the media worldwide is still reacting like it did.

Over and over again we are told by the CDC and WHO via the controlled media, “More cases are being reported”, “Cases are on the rise” and “There’s been a surge in cases”. The non-stop repeating of these phrases is a form of brainwashing. It is meant to put us in a state of fear and panic where we no longer have the ability to think for ourselves. We become helpless obedient sheep.


We are meant to believe that all cases represent very sick contagious people that are in our community, that can infect us and/or our loved ones. This is not a reality. While someone may be genuinely sick from this virus. Most people didn’t even know they had the virus, many had mild symptomsand near 80% of deaths were elderly people with pre-existing conditions. The recovery rate is over 99%It was recently announced by the CDC that 6% of the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from COVID-19, that’s 9,210 deaths, the other 94% had 2-3 serious health conditions with advanced age.


Keep in mind that the virus peaked (in deaths) in April and morphed several times since, with a death rate on par with a regular flu season. This is why we hear mainly of cases today (August 31st) and not many deaths.




Let’s look at testing. The inventor of the RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel or PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test was a scientist named Kary Mullis. He said the PCR should never be used as a tool in “the diagnosis of infectious diseases.”


Why is that?


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