The Ark And The Darkness

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Come and see the most photo-realistic and Biblically accurate film about Noah’s Flood ever produced! From the Director of Genesis: Paradise Lost, Sevenfold Films and Genesis Apologetics present The Ark and the Darkness. Geology, paleontology, the fossil record, ancient history, volcanism, earth science—all of these scientific fields converge on one simple truth: Noah’s Flood actually happened. Join our team of scientists from Answers in Genesis and Liberty University as we reveal the truth about Noah’s Flood.

This movie was filmed at the Answers in Genesis “Ark Encounter” (full-sized replica of Noah’s Ark) in Kentucky and at Liberty University Bible Museum.

Experts include:

  • Dr. John Sanford (Genetics, Logos Research Association)
  • Dr. Gabriela Haynes (Paleontology, Answers in Genesis)
  • Dr. Andrew Snelling (Geology, Answers in Genesis)
  • Dr. John Baumgardner (Geophysics, Liberty University)
  • Dr. Terry Mortenson (Theology/Geology, Answers in Genesis)
  • Dr. Charles Jackson (Professor/Theology, Points of Origin Ministries)
  • Dr. Tim Chaffey (Theology, Answers in Genesis)
  • Dr. Randall Price (Theology/History Liberty University)
  • Dr. Andrew Fabich (Microbiology, Truett McConnel University)
  • Dr. Carl Werner (Medical Doctor, Evolution, Grand Experiment)