The 2024 US Presidential Election Has Already Been Stolen | Paul Craig Roberts

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“Unless Mr. Trump has some counter plan for this it looks like we are in for a replay of what hapenned in 2020. So please pray for God to thwart all the Dems cheating ways and to bring their evil plans to nothing.” Admin


On August 28, I listed some of the electoral procedures Democrats are putting in place in order to steal the November presidential election:


Minneapolis has designated those who entered the US illegally “justice impacted individuals” and put them into a protected class which apparently includes the right to vote.


The DNC has filed a lawsuit against the Georgia Election Board to block the rule that requires counties to ensure the accuracy of the votes prior to certification. If you remember, this was a question in the 2020 election when Georgia and other states’ votes were certified without authentication.


Read More: The 2024 US Presidential Election Has Already Been Stolen |