Terror, Execution, Imprisonment: Why North Korea Hates Christianity, the Bible – Faithwire

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“There is a video embeded in the article of a CBN news program which goes into this subject as well. Please remember to pray for such persecuted Christians as these and others around the world.” Admin


A persecution watchdog is sounding the alarm about the grim and dire conditions for Christians inside North Korea.


The hermit nation has long been one of the most diabolical Christian persecutors, but a new report from Christian Solidarity Worldwide, “North Korea: We Cannot Look Away,” underscores the true gravity of the deteriorating conditions inside the hermit nation.


The document commemorates the 10th anniversary of the United Nations Commission of Inquiry report that previously explored the dangerous state of affairs inside North Korea.


Read/Watch: Terror, Execution, Imprisonment: Why North Korea Hates Christianity, the Bible – Faithwire

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