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This is a continuation of our response to the BBC’s recent series Wonders of Life, presented by Professor Brian Cox.1 The subtitle Endless forms most beautiful, is the title of Episode 3 of the BBC series and is taken from the last sentence of Darwin’s Origin of Species.2 Part 1 of our response can be found here. Evolution of the ear (Episode 2) Cox made the claim that certain bones in our ears had clearly evolved from reptilian ancestors and, before that, jawless fish that lived around 530 million years ago. These bones, known as the malleus, incus and stapes, [More]
Professor Brian Cox is a particle physicist at Manchester University in the UK, and is widely tipped to succeed David Attenborough as the BBC’s top presenter of popular science TV programmes.1 It is a position for which he has all the ‘right’ qualifications. In the 1990s, he played keyboards for the pop group D:Ream; he is considered the best looking physics professor around; and, most importantly, he has no time for the God of the Bible. As a ‘Distinguished Supporter’ of the British Humanist Association, he gave their 2010 Voltaire lecture entitled, The value of big science. In this he [More]
Cell Biology provides many extraordinary examples of intelligent design. Inside each and every organism reside biomechanical systems that Darwin and his contemporaries could never have imagined. Even today, much of what is happening inside cells is still not understood, and yet evolutionists hold fast to a belief that these remarkable constructs developed without God. These two contrasting views of the cell provide poignant illustration of how worldviews impact our interpretation of physical evidence. In his presentation, Chris Ashcraft will discuss the cell as it relates to these opposing views and describe some important cellular features, which offer testimony to the [More]
Think of a larger symphony producing the works of Mozart or Beethoven. It all begins with the individual playing his part. This is much like how our body operates with its 11 systems working in concert. Sadly, schools and the media erroneously teach that the human body is the result of “millions of years” of Darwinian evolution. No credit is given to the One who created these amazing systems designed to work as one. Consider our eye construction, the dynamic skeleton, the ability to hear the faintest sound, the brain’s amazing circuitry. The human body — a testament to our [More]