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White-tailed deer are generally brown, but sometimes they can appear all black or all white. Melanism is the name of the darkened coat effect in animals, but what causes it? More…   
We’re not doing the Gospel justice by walking away from people. .. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN www.cbn.com
Minister Todd White hits Sin City and ministers to an amputee… The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN www.cbn.com
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV, websites: BIBLEQUERY ORG, HISTORYCART COM & MUSLIMHOPE COM) interviews a former member of the Seventh-Day Adventist religion created by a supposed “prophetess” named Ellen G. White. Wallace Slattery, author of the booklet, “Are Seventh-Day Adventists False Prophets?” (& former instructor & member of the SDA for 44 years) reveals his extensive knowledge of this particular subject. Adventism is a product of the great religious revivals that regularly swept through America, especially in certain districts of New England & New York, in the early nineteenth century. A [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV, websites: www.BIBLEQUERY.ORG, http & www.MUSLIMHOPE.COM) interviews two former members of the Seventh-Day Adventist religion created by a supposed “prophetess” named Ellen G. White. Wallace Slattery, author of the booklet, “Are Seventh-Day Adventists False Prophets?” (& former instructor & member of the SDA for 44 years) is joined in studio by his wife Carole, also a former SDA member for 44 years. Adventism is a product of the great religious revivals that regularly swept through America, especially in certain districts of New England & New York, in [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV, websites: BIBLEQUERY ORG, HISTORYCART COM & MUSLIMHOPE COM) interviews two former members of the Seventh-Day Adventist religion created by a supposed “prophetess” named Ellen G. White. Wallace Slattery, author of the booklet, “Are Seventh-Day Adventists False Prophets?” (& former instructor & member of the SDA for 44 years) is joined in studio by his wife Carole, also a former SDA member for 44 years. Adventism is a product of the great religious revivals that regularly swept through America, especially in certain districts of New England & [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV, websites: BIBLEQUERY ORG, HISTORYCART COM & MUSLIMHOPE COM) interviews two former members of the Seventh-Day Adventist religion created by a supposed “prophetess” named Ellen G. White. Wallace Slattery, author of the booklet, “Are Seventh-Day Adventists False Prophets?” (& former instructor & member of the SDA for 44 years) is joined in studio by his wife Carole, also a former SDA member for 44 years. Adventism is a product of the great religious revivals that regularly swept through America, especially in certain districts of New England & [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV, websites: BIBLEQUERY ORG, HISTORYCART COM & MUSLIMHOPE COM) interviews two former members of the Seventh-Day Adventist religion created by a supposed “prophetess” named Ellen G. White. Wallace Slattery, author of the booklet, “Are Seventh-Day Adventists False Prophets?” (& former instructor & member of the SDA for 44 years) is joined in studio by his wife Carole, also a former SDA member for 44 years. Adventism is a product of the great religious revivals that regularly swept through America, especially in certain districts of New England & [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV, see our playlist of 10 videos on the SDA at www.youtube.com websites: www.BIBLEQUERY.ORG, http & www.MUSLIMHOPE.COM) interviews two former members of the Seventh-Day Adventist religion created by a supposed “prophetess” named Ellen G. White. Wallace Slattery, author of the booklet, “Are Seventh-Day Adventists False Prophets?” (& former instructor & member of the SDA for 44 years) is joined in studio by his wife Carole, also a former SDA member for 44 years. Adventism is a product of the great religious revivals that regularly swept through America, [More]
Although “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” (the Mormon church) declares itself a Christian religion it teaches: there are more gods than there are particles on a million earths; Jesus is the spirit-brother of Lucifer, the Devil, & that He was not born of a virgin; God the Father has a body of flesh & bones, was once a sinful man on another planet, & has many wives; men can become polygamous gods themselves, & populate their own planets with their own spirit children; it is “vain & foolish” to try to have a personal relationship with Jesus [More]
Was Christianity invented by white people to enslave blacks? Does it condone slavery? Is it a racist religion? Were blacks duped into worshiping a blonde- haired, blue- eyed Jesus as a means for blacks to accept the superiority of our white slave captors? HC Felder responds to these charges in this broadcast of Giving An Answer.