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“Is this guy for real! His fanatical pushing of vaccines no matter how harmful or bizarre they are is like something out of a mad scientist horror movie.” Admin Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has pumped millions of dollars into his plan to use a “mosquito army” of “flying vaccinators” to mass vaccinate entire populations without individuals’ consent. In the last two years, billionaire Gates has ramped up efforts to advance the use of mosquitos for vaccinating a hesitant public. In November, a study by Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The study concluded that [More]
“Well here we go again, another “pandemic” coming with bill gates funded replicon mRNA vaccines being developed to push on the public.” Admin A doctor and former health official has claimed that an outbreak of “bird flu” will kill 52 percent of the population and called on the Biden administration to begin rolling out a mass vaccination campaign before President Donald Trump is sworn in next month. Former Baltimore health commissioner Dr. Leana Wen, who serves as one of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Young Global Leaders,” is calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue an emergency authorization to rapidly [More]
Analysis by A Midwestern Doctor STORY AT-A-GLANCE Vaccines often cause various side effects, making it hard to identify common causes. Neurologist Andrew Moulden discovered that vaccines frequently trigger microstrokes, which can lead to a myriad of acute and chronic diseases Forgotten research from the 1960s, shows that blood cell clumping is a root cause of many diseases — a belief also shared by Chinese Medicine Colloidal chemistry and zeta potential science reveal that positive charges around blood cells cause clumping. Agents with concentrated positive charges, such as aluminum and the COVID spike protein, are especially problematic Improving the physiologic zeta potential [More]
This article has an EXCELLENT video that talks about all the studies comparing unvaccinated with vaccinated kids. In every condition examined, the unvaccinated did significantly better than the vaccinated. This is why the US government will NEVER do such a study in my lifetime. – Steve Kirsch   Read/Watch: Do Vaccines Make Us Healthier?
We rarely hear about it due to the system-wide embargo on truthful information about the damage they cause, but vaccines have destroyed the world.   A Midwestern Doctor, a popular Substack account, conducted an extensive review into the science behind vaccines that never see the light of day. The doctor found that the ugly truth about vaccines stays hidden in order to protect “the business,” meaning the vaccine arm of Big Pharma.   To tell the ugly truth about vaccines “would destroy the vaccine program,” the doctor writes, which is why it is never told. One of them is the fact [More]
Steve Kirsch interview: Doug has seen 150 autism cases in his practice. He believes AT LEAST half of those are caused by vaccines. But he had 44 “rapid onset” autism cases where autism developed within less than a two week period. He noticed that 100% of those rapid onset cases happened after a vaccine. If every child gets vaccines every 6 months, it is statistically impossible (on order of 1e-25) for 44 events to happen in two weeks. Which means vaccines cause autism. Pediatricians are trained to NEVER look at such statistics because you don’t want to blame vaccines. Doug [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Media and health authorities also ignore what Dr. Robert Malone and others have warned about from the start, which is that vaccinating during a pandemic will drive the evolution of resistant strains. This is precisely what we’re now seeing with Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5, which circumvent both natural immunity and COVID jab-induced antibodies The CDC and the FDA are also ignoring the reality of immune imprinting, which is causing COVID-jabbed individuals to contract COVID more frequently, and repeatedly Media are again trying to drum up fear over new COVID strains, despite data [More]
  Stew Peters Show: Was the MonkeyPox outbreak PLANNED over a YEAR ago Dr. Jane Ruby exposes her findings of “smallpox vaccines” being approved in August last year that they EXPECTED would work for monkeypox!
Iconic professional wrestling star Hulk Hogan is admitting the obvious about the nature of the vaccine regime as more people wake up to the fact that they have been deceived by Big Pharma and their bought-off minions.   Daily Veracity reported on a Facebook post made by the Hulkster in which he claimed that recent celebrity deaths, such as Sidney Poitier and Betty White, came after they recently were jabbed and that people are “dropping like flies” over the vaccine regime. Hogan has expressed skepticism about COVID-19 hysteria and the vaccine regime before. He made an Instagram post in 2020 in which [More]
“The video of their broadcast is at the bottom of the article. Good info on vax deaths and much more.” Admin   This week, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president, and Polly Tommey, co-producer of “Vaxxed,” cover the latest COVID headlines, including the latest Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data on injuries — now more than 1 million — reported after COVID vaccines.   Polly and Mary also discussed a recent article by Dr. Robert Malone, one of the developers of mRNA technology, and news that YouTube and Twitter removed Joe Rogan’s three-hour interview with Malone on the severity of vaccine mandates.   Also on tap this week: The Lancet [More]
A Canadian doctor who was expelled for administering ivermectin to patients suffering from COVID-19 warned that mRNA COVID vaccines can keep creating spike proteins forever by permanently altering kids DNA. Children are particularly prone to DNA alteration because they have higher levels of reverse transcriptase than adults, said Dr. Daniel Nagase.   Dr. Daniel Nagase discusses the mechanisms behind the risks of mRNA shots when discussing the vaccine test data published by Pfizer, which indicates a 30% or more negative response rate towards the jabs “with no recovery,” including mortality which accounts for 3% of the vaccinated trial participants. However, in the [More]
Stew Peters Show: Jerry Bledsoe is a registered nurse with the VA. He’s currently on leave, and may lose his job of more than twenty years, thanks to the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate. He dares to point out the obvious: That so much of what we experience today in the name of “fighting Covid” is really about creating a siege mentality, a sense of permanent panic in order to push people to get the vaccine and punish those who don’t want to play along. Jerry joins us to discuss.
At the freedom protest on 4 December in York, Sarah, whose husband is a vicar in the Church of England, spoke out about the battle between good and evil we are facing.   “We’re in a massive battle.  And this isn’t about the North or the South, or about whether you’re left or right politically.  This is not a battle about land.  This is actually a battle for the mind.  This is the greatest battle that you’re ever going to be in … What people are seeing now is the battle between good and evil,” she said.   When asked [More]
Stew Peters Show: Back in September, we spoke with registered nurse Corrine Lund. Today, Corrine wants to blow the whistle on huge problems with elderly patients related to severe staffing shortages at her hospital. She says elderly patients are being dumped at the hospital, with staff so overstretched they simply get placed on the orthopedics floor. But there’s more. Corrine Lund joins us to discuss.
Stew Peters Show: Our next guest is named Doctor Paul Thomas, but you can just call him Dr. Paul. He’s treated more than ten thousand children over the past three decades, and has also raised nine children of his own. He’s published two books as well, but now the authorities are looking to end his career permanently because of his dissent from party orthodoxy on vaccinations. Dr. Paul Thomas joins us. You can support Dr. Paul’s effort by going to Drpaulsfight.com.
Stew Peters Show: Michelle Malkin has been one of the real warriors on the right over the past few years. She has a new article out: “What Every Parent Must Know About Pfizer.” She joins Stew to discuss the crimes the drug company got away with 25 years ago in Nigeria, and is trying to get away with today.
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE In the week ending November 12, 2021, the U.K. reported 2,047 more deaths than occurred during the same period between 2015 and 2019; heart disease and strokes appear to be behind many of the excess deaths In the last 13 weeks alone, about 107,700 seniors died above the normal rate, despite a 98.7% injection rate In Vermont, where the majority are also injected, excess deaths are the highest they’ve been since before the pandemic An investigation using official data from NHS and the U.K.’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that deaths among teenagers [More]
“In the article it notes that all 3 major vax makers are working on new vaccines or boosters for Omicron. So it appears for each new variant that arises there will be new vaccines/boosters pumped out even if the new variant is, as in this case so far, mild. Once you get on the vaccine treadmill they want to keep you on it forever.”  Admin   As President Biden urges Americans to get booster shots to protect themselves against omicron, a new study indicates the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is considerably less effective against the new variant.   There are 40 [More]
??? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE Using the PULS cardiac test, researchers have found Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID shots dramatically increase biomarkers associated with thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular events following vaccination Pre- and post-injection PULS tests for 566 patients were compared. On average, their PULS scores went from an 11% five-year risk for acute coronary syndrome, to a more than double, 25%, five-year risk Those who got the injection for fear that COVID-19 might adversely affect their heart now face the grim reality that they’ve exchanged a potential risk for a more certain one Another paper details [More]
? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE At Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, British Columbia, 13 babies were allegedly stillborn in a period of 24 hours; all of their mothers had received a COVID-19 injection At a rally outside the hospital, doctors launched an official complaint with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police against executives at the College of Physicians & Surgeons of BC, alleging conflicts of interest influencing their policies, decisions and statements made to the people of British Columbia Scotland has also experienced an unusual rise in infant death rates; during September 2021, at least 21 babies under [More]
Stew Peters Show: On this show we’ve repeatedly mentioned the work by “La Quinta Columna” in Spain. That name means “the Fifth Column,” and it’s a group of dissident researchers who have investigated these vaccines. Most importantly, they’re the ones who studied a vaccine sample and found graphene oxide in it. Dr. Pablo Compra joins us.
“Well here we go again. Another excuse to push more vaccines on people along with mask wearing and lockdowns. Pfizer says they can have a new vaccine for Omicron ready in only 95 days, totally insane! It feels like we are living in a never ending Twilight Zone episode.” Admin   The CEO of Moderna believes a “double” dose of the booster jab may be needed to provide the best protection against the ‘highly infectious’ Omicron variant.   Stephane Bancel said not only is the new strain overtaking Delta in South Africa at a faster rate than previously seen but [More]
“You have to wonder what’s happening in hospitals. It seems like everyone has gone vaccine crazy to the point of ignoring natural immunity which many studies have shown is superior to that given by the vaccines. It would be nice if this medical insanity would come to an end but it most likely will only get worse with more tragic consequences like this.” Admin   A 49-year-old Texas man who was forced to be vaccinated to remain on a lung-transplant list died after receiving a second shot of the Moderna vaccine.   Bobby Bolin’s widow, Amy Bolin, said that after [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE The American Medical Association explicitly teaches doctors how to deceive patients and the media when asked tough questions about COVID-19, treatment options and COVID shots The AMA also supports expansion of COVID jab mandates for private employees, and together with the Biden administration encourages employers with 100 employees or more to implement mandates even though the Fifth Circuit Court has permanently blocked the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) from implementing and enforcing its COVID jab rule The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the OSHA emergency temporary standard (ETS) exceeds the scope of [More]
Members of the United States Armed Forces who refuse to get the Covid-19 vaccine will soon be forced out of the service.   According to a November 16th memo signed by Secretary of the Army, Christine Wormuth, the service records of active-duty troops and reservists will be flagged on the day they refuse the jab, which follows a meeting with a medical professional and a second order to get vaccinated.   The mark will prevent soldiers from re-enlisting, being promoted, receiving future enlistment bonuses, attending service-related schools or receiving tuition assistance.   Read More: Unvaccinated US Soldiers are Set to be [More]
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE One of the most commonly used tricks to make a drug look more effective than it is in a real-world setting is to conflate absolute and relative risk reduction. While AstraZeneca boasted a relative reduction of 100%, the absolute reduction was 0.01%. For the Pfizer shot, the relative risk reduction was initially 95%, but the absolute risk reduction was only 0.84% In AstraZeneca’s trial, only 0.04% of people in the vaccine group, and 0.88% in the placebo group were infected with SARS-CoV-2. When the background risk of infection is that low, even a 100% [More]
? Dr. Peter McCullough speaks at the Florida Covid Summit on November 6, 2021. He speaks about vaccine safety and Early Treatment Protocols and their censorship and suppression.