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For more details visit: http://creation.com/cml76 Why can’t the Big Bang fit with Genesis? Or does it? Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss an article from Creation magazine that tackles these questions, and introduce the fascinating book, “Dismantling the Big Bang”. Main article: From Creation magazine 28(2) “Dismantle the big bang and rediscover God’s universe (http://creation.com/dismantle-the-big-bang-and-rediscover-gods-universe) Related articles – Dismantling the Big Bang — God’s Universe Rediscovered (http://www.creation.com/store_redirect.php?sku=10-2-188) – Astronomy and Astrophysics Q&A page (http://creation.com/astronomy-and-astrophysics-questions-and-answers) For more information on the creation/evolution issue visit http://creation.com
http://edinburghcreationgroup.org | Recently there has been a concerted effort by scientists to find extra-terrestrial life. Is evidence of water on Mars and…
According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, nothing in the Universe (i.e., matter or energy) can pop into existence from nothing (see Miller, 2013). All of the scientific evidence points to that conclusion. So, the Universe could not have popped into existence before the alleged “big bang” (an event which we do not endorse). Therefore, God must have created the Universe. One of the popular rebuttals by the atheistic community is that quantum mechanics could have created the Universe. In 1905, Albert Einstein proposed the idea of mass-energy equivalence, resulting in the famous equation, E = mc2 (1905). We now [More]
From week #7 of Stuart Heights University 2012, Bryan Osborne presents “The Key to Reclaiming Our Culture: Creation versus Evolution“. In this 50-minute pres…
Warning: Evolutionists, atheists & other anti-Christians hate broadcasts like this because it exposes their religioius faith in Charles Darwin’s “evolutionary” metaphysics religious program translated through “scientism” which is disguised as science. Thus they will give these shows bad ratings usually without either watching the show at all or only a small percentage of it. The “Theory” of Evolution is simply another religion that was promoted by Charles Darwin and passed off as scientific fact. Dr Girouard, a former evolutionist & current medical physician, details key scientific data that is left out of the public arena in the discussion of origins. [More]
A lecture Dr. William Lane Craig gave at Saddleback in 2009. Here he talks about the Kalam Cosmological Argument made by Al Ghazali. Here’s a link to a lecture by William Lane Craig on really bad objections (some of them laughable) youtube atheists made against the Kalam Cosmological Argument: www.youtube.com You can see this lecture in parts here: www.youtube.com Here is a playlist of videos of William Lane Craig addressing a comprehensive list of refutations and objections and questions made by various people about the Kalam Cosmological Argument: www.youtube.com
Over the last few decades, new evidence has surfaced that restores man to a central place in God’s universe. Astronomers have confirmed that numerical values of galaxy redshifts are ‘quantized’, tending to fall into distinct groups. According to Hubble’s law, redshifts are proportional to the distances of the galaxies from us. Then it would be the distances themselves that fall into groups. That would mean the galaxies tend to be grouped into (conceptual) spherical shells concentric around our home galaxy, the Milky Way. The shells turn out to be on the order of a million light years apart. The groups [More]
  Published on Aug 21, 2015 Seminar by Spike Psarris Apologetics Symposium Cedar Park Church, Bothell WA May 21, 2015 Description: Did God create the Universe, as the Bible says? Or did the Universe form itself in a Big Bang event, as secular astronomers claim? A close look at the scientific literature reveals a surprising truth: the best secular models predict that most of the things we see in space, including stars, galaxies, and the planets of our Solar System, cannot have formed by themselves. In effect, the models say the heavenly bodies cannot exist. Thus, these models fail to [More]
There is a huge gap between cosmological data and theory. Many different cosmologies can explain the same data. Cosmology needs presuppositions, many of which are unverifiable. We examine a number of ancient, Big Bang, and creationist models. Although a cosmological model may have serious short-comings, any favored cosmology can be saved by ad hoc devices. Ultimately, cosmological models are assessed in terms of one’s worldview. A Biblical cosmology differs on the nature of reality, origins and eschatology. This video file is a 60 minute seminar by John Byl ( creationwiki.org ) that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference ( [More]