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Today’s interview is with Thomas E. Woodward, professor at Trinity College of Florida, and founder and director of the CS Lewis Society. Woodward is an historian of the intelligent design movement. He talks about his work and background, the intelligent design movement (its definition, origin, and goals), anti-ID objections and rhetoric, the direction of the ID movement today, the Dover trial, the question of “is ID science?”, the approaches of Michael Behe, William Dembski, and Stephen Meyer, The Mysterious Epigenome: What Lies Beyond DNA, the future of ID research, resources for people learning and teaching ID, and more. For more [More]
FOUNDATIONS FOR A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW This adult level course establishes the foundations for a Biblical worldview over the progression of four 50-minute lessons. Hosted by Dr. G. Thomas Sharp Including interviews with the following noted theologians and scholars – Pastor Chuck Smith Roger Oakland Paul Vitz John Morris Randall Price Ian Taylor John Eidsmoe An Introduction to Biblical Worldview Lesson 1 2 Key Points of this Lesson • What is Worldview? • “The Truth” vs. “The Lie” • Darwin’s Influence on the 20th Century • Philosophical Mixture • 20th Century American Christian Thought Recommended Reading • Science According to Moses—G. [More]
Why did America loose her Judeo/Christian worldview? Why are Christian families in America losing 70-80 percent of their children to a secular mind-set by the time they turn fifteen? Why did the US Supreme Court rule in 1962-63 that prayer and Bible reading were unconstitutional for American school children? What significant leaven has crept into the fabric of America’s social conscience that permits a million and a half abortions each year since 1973? Did you know that Noah Webster, America’s Schoolmaster, said during our founding era, “…that the man who weakens or destroys the divine authority of the Bible may [More]
A Thousand Years in a Day: The Mt. St. Helens Catastrophe By Dr. G. Thomas Sharp Did you know that God can and has used natural processes in a supernatural way to impact the surface of the earth with thousands of years of change in only ONE day? What do you suppose happened when “all of the fountains of the great deep opened” at the beginning of the Flood of Noah? When you look at the canyons, mountains, rock layers and fossils of the earth, how do you explain them? The Bible has sound, reasonable explanations for these marvelous observations. [More]
Evolution has played one of the largest theological roles in history, affecting countless people and shifting the worldviews of entire civilizations. But where did this theory come from? What is its true history and foundational beliefs? Find out in this unprecedented program as Dr. Sharp guides you through the history, theories, and fallacies of evolution. Hear the remarkable words of the scientists themselves and explore the truth behind the movement. Discover the greatest deception of all. Get this vido on DVD here: creationtruth.com G. Thomas Sharp Thomas Sharp has achieved national and international recognition as a Christian educator, religious leader, [More]
The earth—tilted at the perfect degree to maintain the right conditions for life on this planet. The sun—located at the perfect distance from the earth to provide light and heat without destroying vital life elements. Living organisms—working inexplicably together to sustain life. There is only one thing that can explain these wonders: Intelligent Design. This design can be seen everywhere, from the location of stars and galaxies to the most intricate details of nature. In this program, Dr. Sharp will guide you through our amazing universe, pointing out the handprints of God that surround us. Hear the mathematical probabilities for [More]
Discover the Biblical reality about dinosaurs! In this stunning program, watch science and the Bible unite as you learn the amazing truth about these creatures. Using more than 28 museum-quality dinosaur fossils and specimens, Dr. Sharp will explain the Biblical view of dinosaurs’ origins and disappearance as he walks you through the five most frequently asked questions about dinosaurs: Did dinosaurs really exist? If so, when did they exist? Where are they now? Why are dinosaurs not in the Bible? Were dinosaurs on Noah’s Ark? Dr. Sharp will also reveal their fascinating history and the role they play in your [More]
Key Points • The Subtle Infiltration of Darwinian Evolution into the Church • The “Old” vs. the “New” Gospel • The Connection Between Genesis and the Gospel • America’s Christian Heritage (Download the Study Guide for Lesson 4 here: www.creationtruth.com Recommended Reading • Science According to Moses—G. Thomas Sharp, Ph.D. • The Answers Book—K. Ham, J. Sarfati, C. Foundations For Biblical Worldview hosted by G. Thomas Sharp, Ph.D. What is Worldview?, The impact of this virtually unknown facet of human life is critical in understanding how we live our lives. Quite simply, worldview is the filter by which we process [More]
Documents worldwide geological evidence demonstrating that the fossil record is best explained by the global flood of Genesis. Powerpoint Presentation used by Dr. Kindell: www.nwcreation.net About the Speaker: Thomas Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries – nwcreation.net , dedicated to equipping Christian believers with evidence for their Biblical faith. For over 25 years he has lectured on the subjects of scientific creation and Biblical apologetics. He holds a Ph.D. in Theology from International Seminary and received training in scientific creationism at the Institute for Creation Research [ www.icr.org ]. ——————————————————————————– This seminar was recorded during [More]
What’s a thinking Christian to do … about today’s “Oppositions of science, falsely so called” (1Tim 6:20)? Christians should always stick to the word, as their source of ultimate authority for questions about the origins or anything else. Still, many are swayed by the authoritative-sounding preaching of today’s evo-evangelists .. and so compromise on the word of God, thinking they can make peace between these two warring ideas. What shape has this compromise effort taken? In every case, it becomes an “adding things to the word” situation. In many cases, it is a “taking away” from the word. In all [More]
Dr Kindell describes why the second law of thermodynamics stands as an insurmountable barrier to a naturalistic origin of life. It also examines common evolutionists rebuttal arguments and demonstrates their utter bankruptcy. This video file is a 62 minute seminar by Thomas Kindell, which was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference – nwcreation.net – July 2004 at Mill Creek Foursquare Church – www.mc4square.org About the Speaker: Thomas Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries – nwcreation.net , dedicated to equipping Christian believers with evidence for their Biblical faith. For over 25 years he has lectured on [More]
Dr. Kindell examines and powerfully refutes the so-called “evidence” that man evolved from an ape-like ancestor. This video file is a 60 minute seminar by Thomas Kindell that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference – nwcreation.net – August 2007. View the Powerpoint presentation from this video – nwcreation.net About the Speaker: Thomas Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries – nwcreation.net – dedicated to equipping Christian believers with evidence for their Biblical faith. For over 25 years he has lectured on the subjects of scientific creation and Biblical apologetics. He holds a Ph.D. in Theology [More]
Dr. Kindell presents an examination of numerous physical processes in our galaxy, in our solar system, and on the earth that indicate that the Biblical age of the earth is correct. This video file is a 52 minute seminar by Thomas Kindell that was recorded during the Seattle Creation Conference – nwcreation.net – July 2004 at Mill Creek Foursquare Church. About the Speaker: Thomas Kindell is the founder and president of Reasons for Faith Ministries, dedicated to equipping Christian believers with evidence for their Biblical faith. For over 25 years he has lectured on the subjects of scientific creation and [More]
Dr. Kindell explains why dinosaurs are evidence for creation, not evolution. Cites considerable Biblical, historical, archeological and scientific evidence that indicates that man and dinosaurs were created together in the past and that some dinosaurs may still be living in remote areas.