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Many Christians feel that Genesis is a side issue and that modern Christians should just focus on New Testament teachings. What would we know about origins if we only studied the New Testament? The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: What does the New Testament say about Creation? (http://creation.com/new-testament-creation) Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history (http://creation.com/genesis-bible-authors-believed-it-to-be-history) The use of Genesis [More]
Dr. Phil Fernandes presents the reliability of the New Testament of the Bible. https://www.youtube.com/user/rfvidz.
My presentation from Durham, NC, 11/22/08.
Is the God of the Old Testament the same as the God of the New Testament? Why does the God of the Old Testament seem vengeful and angry, yet Jesus seems so forgiving? If God never changes, then why is the God of the New Testament a Trinity, yet the God of the Old Testament is not? Discover the answer to these questions and more in this episode of Giving An Answer as HC Felder interviews Ted Wright on Is the God of the Old Testament the same as the God of the New Testament.
In this episode of Giving An Answer, HC interviews Dr. Scott Matscherz on “Archeological Evidence for the Old Testament”. Dr. Matscherz shares photos he took of archeological evidence that supports the Old Testament biblical accounts.
In this episode of Giving An Answer, HC Felder’s guest, Frank Turek, defends the reliability of the New Testament. Frank examines the evidence that demonstrates that the New Testament we have today is the same New Testament penned by its authors some 2000 years ago. He explains why we can be confident that the original authors were eyewitness to the events they recorded and that what they recorded was true. Frank also answers some common objections to its reliability.
In this episode of Giving An Answer, HC interviews Dr. Scott Matscherz on “Archeological Evidence for the New Testament”. Dr. Matscherz shares photos he took of archeological evidence that supports the New Testament biblical accounts.
In this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Dr. Tom Howe on the Reliability of the Old Testament. Dr. Howe explains why we can trust what the Old Testament says and how we can be certain that what was originally written is what we have in our Bible.
Genesis (1. The Basic Book) – David Pawson – Unlocking the Old Testament Popular Bible teacher David Pawson takes a wide-angle look at each book of God’s word. For more on the topic of evolution please see the Phillip E. Johnson playlist: www.youtube.com and Dr. David Berlinski’s thoughts on the topic: www.youtube.com Also check out the website: creation.com davidpawsondownloads.com
Traditionally ancient historians have used records of the reign’s of Egyptian kings as the basis of their chronology. This has lead many to believe that the Old Testament gives an unreliable record of history. However recent evidence suggests that a number of Egyptian kings reigned simultaneously rather than consecutively. Mark Woolmer explains this is taken into account striking similarities are found between the Egyptian and Hebrew records and new light is shed on archaeological discoveries. This is a fascinating exploration of the current debate in ancient history. Egyptian Clay Tablets Found – 5000 Years Old – www.youtube.com Edinburgh Creation Group [More]
Josh introduces the debate of scholars towards the authorship of the Pentateuch. Jesus Himself quotes Moses 16 times and attributed to him the Pentateuch, but what about the dates and the development of the writing system?
The civilization of Ebla existed 1000 years before Moses and existed for 800 years as a great civilization. The finds from this excavation site revealed two distinct languages used during the reign of Ebla.
Josh discusses the historical reliability of the Old Testament.
Part 2 of how we got the Old testament part of the Bible. Includes scientific verification of scripture, so called contradictions, historical evidence and what inspiration is. Using powerpoint resources from Rose Publishing, and Josh McDowell. The speaker is Duncan Forbes from New Life Church, Roehampton, London. www.newlifelondon.com www.duncanf.blogspot.com www.duncanf.blogspot.com
Part one, looking at the reliabilty of the New Testament and Gospel accounts. If you want to pursue this subject further (after all 10 mins. on YouTube is somewhat limited) please check out: www.bethinking.org Audio Downloads: The Bible’s Canon: Authoritative or Arbitrary? byNick Perrin www.bethinking.org The Jesus Seminar by Dr. Darell Bock www.bethinking.org Articles to read: www.bethinking.org How could fallible men produce an infallible Bible? What does it mean, the Bible is inspired? Hasn’t the New Testament been changed? How can anyone believe the New Testament account of the life of Jesus…? (all by Josh MacDowell) Isn’t the Bible full [More]
A teaching on how we got the Old testament part of the Bible, including archeological evidence of the historicity of the Bible, and date of authorship. Using powerpoint resources from Rose Publishing, and Josh McDowell. The teacher is Duncan Forbes, Pastor at New Life Church, Roehampton, South West London www.newlifelondon.com www.duncanf.blogspot.com