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Over the past several articles we have critiqued the leading alternative hypotheses that have been developed in attempts to explain away the Resurrection of Jesus. Each of these ideas contradicts Scripture, and each is woefully inadequate at explaining the facts. Instead, we have seen that historical and archaeological evidences are perfectly consistent with Christ’s conquering of death recorded in God’s Word. Nevertheless, many critics and skeptics have remained undaunted and sometimes resort to even more outlandish theories to justify their unbelief. In this article we will examine three Read More via The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Grasping at Straws – [More]
Answers in Genesis participates in and organizes “Answers” conferences around the USA and in many countries every year. Sometimes we choose to participate by having a booth at select conferences put on by organizations who share our passion for reaching today’s culture with the importance of biblical authority. The Alberta Home Education Association’s conference in Red Deer (Alberta, Canada) is one of those where we will have a large booth presence. The conference theme this year is “Standing Firm.” This is an appropriate exhortation for Christians everywhere as pressure from secular forces makes it challenging to hold to the sound [More]
AiG’s integrated, three-year Bible curriculum is proving to be extremely popular—in fact, it’s so popular that our warehouse can hardly keep up with the orders. It really is an incredible curriculum to teach apologetics and biblical authority—and to teach chronologically through Scripture. We call it Answers Bible Curriculum. It can be used for Sunday school, Christian school, or at home. We received this letter from a supporter recently: I want to thank AiG for such an amazing curriculum. As Christian parents we want our children to believe in God and serve Him, but we often fail at teaching them God’s [More]
Tim Chaffey, AiG–U.S., critiques three alternate explanations for the Resurrection that make little effort, if any, to deal with the texts of Scripture or the “minimal facts.” …read more  
FinalCountdown2Jesus has made a comment on Car Crash and Then Saved by a Scripture Sign!: that made my day,,,what a great testimony….my ex fiance has a hard heart like that,,,and you wont believe this but he is the one who took me to church the first time the first gift he bought me was a bible but he was into the purpose driven life and all that but he left the church bc in his mens group they harpd on pornography and he chose that over God if I speak to him and mention Jesus (which i cant help) he [More]
By Ken Ham Dr. Deborah Haarsma (previously a professor at Calvin College, a Christian college in Michigan) is the newest president of BioLogos (an  organization attempting to get the church to reject a literal Genesis). She recently contributed to a series of articles on whether there really was an historical Adam. Her article, “Historical Adam: Embracing the Questions,” does just that—it embraces questions and provides no answers. In fact, it sows more doubt and confusion than anything. Haarsma accepts evolutionary ideas and mixes them with Scripture, a view that is known as theistic evolution or evolutionary creation. After listing a [More]