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I read this news report a few days ago: Controversial faith leader Rob Bell spoke over the weekend at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, Calif., where the former pastor openly endorsed gay marriage. When asked about the controversial issue by The Very Rev. Dr. Jane Shaw, who was moderating the event, he offered up a clear and concise response – one that will serve as a surprise to many conservative evangelicals. “Yes, I am for marriage. I am for fidelity. I am for love,” he said, going on to get more specific. “Whether it’s a man and a woman, a [More]
Nooma 15 really bothered me, and it should bother you, too. I get Bell’s argument, but, it just doesn’t work. Not only is the history flaky, but you aren’t the gospel, either. An examination and response to Rob Bell‘s odd claims about the nature of the gospel.
How do we reconcile the existence of Hell with God’s love? According to Rob Bell in his newly released book, everyone eventually ends up in heaven. But is it really that simply and is that what Scripture truly teaches? On this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Pastor Bobby Conway on how we can the topic Reconciling Hell with God’s Love.
How do we reconcile the existence of Hell with God’s love? According to Rob Bell in his newly released book, everyone eventually ends up in heaven. But is it really that simply and is that what Scripture truly teaches? On this broadcast of Giving An Answer, HC Felder interviews Pastor Bobby Conway on how we can the topic Reconciling Hell with God’s Love.