As children of God and members of the Body of Christ, we carry authority that Jesus died on the Cross to give us. We are even called “the salt of the earth.” Jesus has given us the power to bring prosperity to anything we lay our hands on and to bring healing to ourselves and others through His name. In Rick’s new series You Are the Salt of the Earth, you will learn how to exercise this gift effectively! The Lord promises to satisfy us with long life and salvation, so we can rest assured, aging is not something to dread! If you’re not satisfied with your life, your life is not over! God will speak to you and use you at any age. So don’t throw in the towel; learn how to live a long, satisfying life with Rick’s new series How To Flourish in Your Senior Years. In this fascinating 5-part series, Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?, Rick Renner dissects these notions using Scripture and his knowledge of the Greek language, explaining that in the midst of some of our hardest seasons, the Lord’s strength and power shine through, and He always makes things work together for our good. The world today feels — crazy. From the high cost of living to wars and rumors of wars. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the news or personal circumstances. Every day, you encounter numerous opportunities for life to rob your peace! God’s intention for your life is not sadness, stress and fear. He has given us the tools to be an island of peace and stability amongst a sea of turmoil. Discover what these tools are in Rick Renner’s new series, How To Have Peace in Troubled Times. Tune in with the Sons of Issachar to discover the truth about AI, aliens, and the Anti-Christ agenda with Alan DiDio in his book, Summoning the Demon. In this 10-part series, The Sons of Issachar, Rick Renner talks with several friends and partners in the ministry about Scripture and books that will strengthen your spiritual life. Join these special guests for a series full of valuable spiritual wisdom for the times we’re living in that you won’t soon forget!
Spiritual warfare may come against you, but you have been equipped for the fight! You were created to receive the explosive power of God and to drive out the devil when he tries to penetrate any area of your life. When you learn to wield your God-given weapons, you will surely make it to the other side of any battle victorious! In his newest series, WEAPONS!, Rick Renner shares how to overcome attacks from Satan through biblical perspectives and personal examples. God has given the gift of prophecy as a way to edify the Body of Christ. But in these last days, it is important to discern the voices around you. With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can recognize real prophets from false prophets. Many people claim to be prophets today. Some are, and some are not. And a lot of attention has been given to the subject of prophetic ministry on social media and the Internet that has caused confusion. But in this informative series, Rick Renner and Joseph Z push back the confusion to bring clarity
[More] In this fifteen-part series, Christmas – The Rest of the Story, Rick Renner dives deep into the parts of the Christmas story that most people have never heard. Rick says, “I’ve studied this story for decades, and I found fabulous treasures no one ever shared with me. In this series, we explore the Bible, history, historical writings, and so much more, so we can really understand all the events that took place surrounding the birth of Jesus!”
5 teachings on thankfulness and more.
There are 8 videos in this playlist on 8 different subjects – What Is Repentance, How To Stay In Faith, Press Forward, It’s Time To Press Ahead, In The Last Days Perilous Times Will Come, The Holy Spirit Our Intercessor, Trinational Grace and Guidance Of The Holy Spirit The Bible tells us it’s God’s desire to bless everyone — He wants to answer your prayers! So what should you do if you find yourself wondering why you haven’t received your answer? Rick and Denise explain the reasons why in their newest series, What To Do if Answers to Your Prayers Are Delayed or Hindered.
The Book of Jude is one of the most ignored books of the New Testament – yet it is filled with powerful information that is especially vital in these late hours of the age. In this new 20-part series, Rick Renner takes you on a deep dive into every word and very in the book of Jude. Verse by verse, hidden treasures in the Greek language – and so many deep nuances – are interpreted in the RIV with footnotes and commentary – so you can explore the riches in this powerful epistle. The devil is trying to wiggle his way into your relationships, health, and finances — every part of your life that you count dear. How do you block his insidious attacks? In this refreshingly transparent series Ten Steps To Block the Devil From Your Life, Rick Renner teaches 10 ways to block the devil from gaining a foothold in your affairs, and he candidly shares how these steps have worked in his own life.
Imagine uncovering the ruins of Noah’s Ark in our time; the prophetic implications would be monumental! With that being said, today Noah’s Ark has been discovered. What is the evidence behind this belief? Where was Noah’s Ark discovered? What does its discovery mean for us today? Join Rick Renner and his team as they explore the ruins of what is believed to be Noah’s Ark! Enjoy the beautiful landscapes surrounding the Ararat Mountains and see with your own eyes where the world restarted; learn about the evidence behind Noah’s Ark and the decades of research surrounding it; and let yourself
[More] But even better than GPS, we have the Holy Spirit inside and He is the best GPS that ever existed. If you feel you’ve gotten off track and lost your way, the Holy Spirit knows exactly how to help you re-calculate to get back on track again. Do you need to recalculate? God doesn’t want you wandering aimlessly — He wants you on course and focused on what He has asked you to do. And with the help of the Holy Spirit, you can learn how to get back on track and stay on track. Join Rick Renner as he explores what the chief desire of the Holy Spirit is in the life of every believer in this life-changing program! Many people who regularly attend church admit they have never experienced the presence of God. Why is that? Is there something we can do in order to enter into God’s powerful presence? Yes, there is! God wants YOU to encounter His powerful presence in worship — and that’s what you’ll discover in this life-changing five-part series. Many people who regularly attend church admit they have never experienced the presence of God. Why is that? Is there something we can do in order to enter into God’s powerful presence? Yes, there is! God wants YOU to encounter His powerful presence in worship — and that’s what you’ll discover in this life-changing five-part series. How do you know if you’re moving in a kind of faith that will really change circumstances? Since there is a real faith and a fake faith, are you sure that you are operating in real faith? Fake faith won’t do much, but real faith moves mountains. And nothing is more important than making sure you have mountain-moving faith that produces results!
Is it difficult for you to figure out what God gives and doesn’t give? For example, do you wonder if God ever causes tragedy in a person’s life? Has someone ever told you that God has caused bad things to happen to you? And if bad things have happened to you, how can you resist them, overcome them, and get back on track again? All these questions are answered in this five-part series How To Determine What God Gives and Never Gives. Have you desired to lay your hands on the sick and see them be healed? Have you tried to do it but felt disappointed with the results? If that describes you, then we have good news! Many years ago, Rick and Denise Renner felt the same way. So Rick dove into the Gospel to discover how Jesus healed the sick. From that time on, the Renners have seen multitudes of people healed, and now Rick is sharing what they learned in this valuable series How To Heal the Sick.
There are many tools of prayer to use to get the results you desire when you pray. It’s important to know that there are different kinds of prayer available and which ones you need to get the job done without frustration and failure. Like tools in a tool box, “one prayer does not fit all.” That’s why God has provided different kinds of prayers for different situations. Rick Renner personally interviewed Tony Cooke about his new book, The End of Spectator Church. Rick says, “When I first read this book, I knew it would be an important book to offer on my TV program. I can’t think of a better book to equip and prepare the Body of Christ to get out of the bleachers and onto the playing field, because the stakes are eternal!” Many people claim to be prophets today. Some are, and some are not. And a lot of attention has been given to the subject of prophetic ministry on social media and the Internet that has caused confusion. But in this informative series, Rick Renner and Joseph Z push back the confusion to bring clarity to the Body of Christ on this vital subject. How did believers in the First Century survive the intense persecution that was waged against them? What kind of persecution did they endure? And how does all of this relate to Christians today? In this series, Take a Tour With Rick: Thyatira and Sardis, Rick Renner walks you through the ancient ruins of Thyatira and Sardis and opens history and the Scripture to you in a way that makes it come alive. In this fabulous ten-part series, Rick Renner unwraps all the intricacies of what the Bible means when it declares that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. God put forth His best work when you were born again — then He placed His greatest treasure deep inside you!
If you do not speak in tongues — or if you do speak in tongues — this series Speaking in Tongues: What Is It and Is It Really for Everyone? will be an eye-opener and a game-changer in your life. In this 5-part series, The Ministry of the Holy Spirit for the New and Mature Believer, Rick Renner walks you through this in-depth teaching that Jesus gave the disciples — and us — about the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Rick unlocks mysteries that will benefit anyone — including the new and the mature believer.