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“This article is loaded with bombshell information on the origins of  Covid-19, who was involved in it (including Fauci) and why. The criminality of our government and its use of USAID in funding such shocking things is horrible! Mr. Shan, the whistleblower, has most likely put his life in serious jeopardy. Send up a prayer for his safety.” Admin A leading scientist from China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology has spoken out to blow the whistle by claiming that the U.S. taxpayer-funded Chinese lab “engineered” COVID-19 as a “bioweapon” to reduce the population of humans around the world. It comes as [More]
A new email proves Dr. Anthony Fauci knew in early 2020 that China was running risky coronavirus research and a lab leak had likely caused the epidemic; why didn’t he come clean? “Scientists in Wuhan University are known to have been working on gain-of-function experiments.” The words – from Feb. 1, 2020, as Covid exploded worldwide – come from a note written by none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci, America’s Doctor himself. They come as Fauci and top virologists were just starting their strenuous efforts to hide and distract from the potential Chinese lab origins of Sars-Cov-2. And after the [More]
One of the saddest aspects of the fake propaganda about Covid-19 is that it is being used to stir up hostility toward China. Didn’t the virus start there, the propagandists suggest, maybe as the result of experiments in a Chinese lab in Wuhan? Brain-dead Biden and the gang of neocons that controls him would like nothing better than to inflame the American people for a war against China. Already the anti-Chinese campaign has had results. People have brutally beaten Chinese people, and other Asians as well, because they blame China for the “pandemic.”  Here are some examples.   Read More: [More]
 “Wouldn’t surprise me at all if it did originate in a lab given the lunatics in charge at the WHO, CDC, NIH etc. We’ll just have to see how all of this unfolds. You can be sure it will be hyped up in order to stampede people into getting the vax for it. I’m sure the vax makers have big dollar signs in their eyes just thinking about it.”  Admin   The monkeypox outbreak currently springing up in countries around the world appears to originate from a “lab strain”, a source at the European Centers For Disease Control reportedly revealed. [More]
The plandemic continues, but its origins are still a nefarious mystery. How did the world get sick, how did Covid really spread, and did the Satanic elite tell the world about this bioweapon ahead of time? Dr. Bryan Ardis (www.ardisantidote.com) has unveiled a shocking connection between this pandemic and the eternal battle of good and evil which began in the Garden of Eden. In this Stew Peters Network exclusive, Director Stew Peters, award winning filmmaker Nicholas Stumphauzer and Executive Producer Lauren Witzke bring to light a truth satan himself has fought to suppress.
Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County Published on Mar 30, 2019 All attempts by evolutionists to show that first life from non-life by natural processes can be explained by evolution have come to naught for four main reasons: 1) The Law of Biogenesis confirmed by Pasteur in 1864. 2) The failure of experiments like that of Miller in 1953 to show that life can come from non-life. 3) The mathematical probability of forming the first living cell by random chance processes is beyond possible, and 4) The information in a cell (DNA) requires an intelligent mind. The failure of the origin [More]
Multimedia Presentation by Dr. Terry Mortenson Cedar Park Christian School, Mountlake Terrace campus February 6th, 2019 This lecture challenges children to think, and motivates them to become better informed so that they are not deceived—and so that they can more boldly witness to their evolutionized friends. Dr. Mortenson begins by explaining the significant difference between operation science and origin science, and the role of assumptions in the interpretation of the scientific evidence regarding origins. Then Dr. Mortenson gives a number of concrete examples from biology, paleontology, and geology to illustrate this and expose the erroneous and misleading “evidence” that evolutionists [More]
Multimedia Presentation by Dr. Terry Mortenson Cedar Park Christian School, Mountlake Terrace campus February 6th, 2019 This lecture challenges children to think, and motivates them to become better informed so that they are not deceived—and so that they can more boldly witness to their evolutionized friends. Dr. Mortenson begins by explaining the significant difference between operation science and origin science, and the role of assumptions in the interpretation of the scientific evidence regarding origins. Then Dr. Mortenson gives a number of concrete examples from biology, paleontology, and geology to illustrate this and expose the erroneous and misleading “evidence” that evolutionists [More]
What the scientists say. Visit CMIcreationstation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnlz9b5TZB0
Why focus on the origins debate if it is not a salvation issue? How does a believer’s view about Genesis and creation affect their view of salvation? This week we examine the issues and importance of origins. The Creation Magazine LIVE! TV program is a ministry of Creation Ministries International. With offices in seven countries and more PhD scientists than any Christian organization this program features cutting edge science that supports the Bible delivered in a non-technical, visually-rich, discussion-based format. Related Articles: Does Creation really matter? (http://creation.com/does-creation-really-matter) Did God create over billions of years? And why is it important? (http://creation.com/billions) [More]
http://www.ctvn.org/the-programs/origins/ | A variety of evidences for the receding of the Floodwater off the continents will be provided. Geological evidenc…
Origins – Statistical Impossibility of Evolution with Ralph Muncaster Mr. Muncaster holds a BS in engineering and an MBA from the University of Colorado. A former atheist and hardcore Bible skeptic, Ralph spent 15 years conducting research to dispute the Bible. To Ralph, it seemed that the Bible could not possibly be consistent with such sciences as anthropology, molecular biology and physics. Armed with an engineering-education and a critical, questioning mind, to his surprise, the more he searched, the more evidence he found that supported the Bible’s claims. Mr. Muncaster has taught classes in Christian Apologetics and World Religion in [More]
Origins – Human Cloning with Dr. Brad Harrub Brad Harrub holds an earned B.S. degree in biology from Kentucky Wesleyan College, and an earned doctorate degree in anatomy and neurobiology from the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Memphis. He was listed in Who’s Who Among Scientists and Researchers. He is the author of Convicted: A Scientist Examines the Evidence for Christianity and the coauthor of the books, The Truth About Human Origins, Dissecting the Truth, Investigating Christian Evidences, Matters of Life and Death, Diamonds in the Rough: Nuggets of Truth from God’s Word and has written [More]
http://blip.tv/origins | Dr. Mortenson shows how many things thought to have taken millions of years to form by anti-biblical scientists could actually have …
Watch as scientists, researchers and authors share relevant facts and thought-provoking evidence supporting creation. Join us for Cornerstone TeleVision’s un…
Christian Answers topical videos are short 30 minute or less analytical reviews of certain theological subjects even though this ministry may have much more detailed material available. Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (Youtube channel CANSWERSTV; websites: BIBLEQUERY.ORG, HISTORYCART.COM & MUSLIMHOPE.COM) is joined in studio by former Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) Robert McKay, associate director of Utah Missions, Inc. & columnist for their publications. This ministry has a 5 hour video series posted on YOUTUBE entitled, “MORMONISM – “GODS MANY” POLYTHEISM.” Show #1: “Origins of Joseph Smith, Jr.’s Religion,” Show #2: [More]
Long before doomsday end-time false prophet Harold Camping came along with his Family Radio broadcasts predicting the end of the world in 1994 & May 21, 2011, Jehovah’s Witness founder Charles Taze Russell did it first. In fact the JWs have predicted the end of the world many times throughout their history. Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV, see 11 of our other Jehovah’s Witnesses videos at www.youtube.com websites: www.BibleQuery.org, http & www.MuslimHope.com), has dealt extensively with JWs over the last 30 years (including witnessing for Christ at many of their conventions). This is [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV) & Steve Morrison, Ph.D, director of Research for Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (Steve is the creator of our 3 websites: BIBLEQUERY.ORG, HISTORYCART.COM & MUSLIMHOPE.COM) analyze the truth claims of Muhammad & the religion of Islam which he fabricated as he went along. Since Mohammad references to the Jewish Old Testament & the Christian New Testament as his authority it would only be logical to assume that his truth claims would line up with theirs, but do they? Both Judaism & Christianity predate Islam [More]
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV; websites BibleQuery.org, HistoryCart.com & MuslimHope.com), interviews former Mormon & Christian writer Robert McKay along with the director of “Christian Ministry to Mormons” Michael H. Reynolds in this informative series. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as it has been known began with the publication of the “Book of Mormon” in 1830 by Joseph Smith Jr & his writing assistant Sidney Rigdon. The career of Smith as “God’s prophet” supposedly began in 1820 when he was 14 years old where a “First Vision” of two [More]
See more scientific support for the worldwide flood historically described in Genesis. Evidence that great mudflows quickly deposited 100s of nautiloids together in the Grand Canyon, which is only explainable by the global flood. View the Powerpoint presentation described on the show here: www.ctvn.org More Origins shows & info at the Cornerstone TV website: www.ctvn.org Dr. Steven A. Austin is a field research geologist with a Ph.D. from Penn State University in sedimentary geology. He is “Senior Research Scientist” with Institute for Creation Research in Dallas, Texas. He has performed geologic research on six of the seven continents of the [More]
Over the last few decades, new evidence has surfaced that restores man to a central place in God’s universe. Astronomers have confirmed that numerical values of galaxy redshifts are ‘quantized’, tending to fall into distinct groups. According to Hubble’s law, redshifts are proportional to the distances of the galaxies from us. Then it would be the distances themselves that fall into groups. That would mean the galaxies tend to be grouped into (conceptual) spherical shells concentric around our home galaxy, the Milky Way. The shells turn out to be on the order of a million light years apart. The groups [More]
Geologist Andrew Snelling, Ph.D. gives compelling geologic evidence for the worldwide flood that the Bible historically records. Andrew A. Snelling, B.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D. Director of Research, AiG-US Biography Andrew A. Snelling is a geologist, research scientist and technical editor. He completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Geology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, graduating with First Class Honors in 1975. His Doctor of Philosophy (in geology) was awarded by The University of Sydney, Australia in 1982 for his research thesis entitled “A geochemical study of the Koongarra uranium deposit, Northern Territory, Australia”. Between studies [More]
Geologist Andrew Snelling, Ph.D. gives compelling geologic evidence for the worldwide flood that the Bible historically records. Andrew A. Snelling, B.Sc. (Hons), Ph.D. Director of Research, AiG-US Biography Andrew A. Snelling is a geologist, research scientist and technical editor. He completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Geology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, graduating with First Class Honors in 1975. His Doctor of Philosophy (in geology) was awarded by The University of Sydney, Australia in 1982 for his research thesis entitled “A geochemical study of the Koongarra uranium deposit, Northern Territory, Australia”. Between studies [More]
Eve: Real Evidence with Dr. Robert Carter Dr Robert W. Carter Speaker/senior scientist, Creation Ministries International (USA) Education 2003 University of Miami, Ph.D. Marine Biology and Fisheries. 1992 Georgia Institute of Technology, BS Applied Biology, Co-Op, with high honor. Professional Experience 2004–2005 Environmental Consultant (TY Lin International/HJ Ross) Water quality monitoring—Miami River dredging project Impact mitigation—Key West Harbor Dredging project 1996–2003 Doctoral Dissertation Work (University Of Miami) Designed and performed experiments in marine ecology and genetic engineering Helped develop new protocol for the rapid cloning of cnidarian fluorescent protein genes Successfully cloned green and red fluorescent proteins from hard and [More]
“The question is not when does life begin, but when does a person begin?” Dr. David Menton explains from anatomical science and biology the truth of Psalm 139:13–16, which says that God weaves us together in the womb. He also reveals the amazing and intricate design of the womb and the processes of fertilization, implantation, embryonic development, and birth itself. Dr. Menton shows that each of these is a series of miracles (irreducible complexities) that cannot be explained by chance and random processes. More detail at www.answersingenesis.org Biography Professional Affiliation: Biomedical research technician at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota in the [More]
Evolutionists have long argued that birds evolved by chance from reptiles. However, in this lecture, you will see that no two classes of vertebrates differ more dramatically than do reptiles and birds. Unlike the dinosaurs, from which birds are said to have evolved, birds are truly “formed to fly.” With the aid of a scanning electron microscope, Dr. Menton examines the feathers of birds and compares them to reptile scales. Contrary to the claims of evolutionists, feathers are profoundly different from scales in every respect. It is biological nonsense to claim that one evolved from the other by chance. For [More]
Ron Rhodes makes the Case for Creation via the fossil record, lack of intermediate forms & the retarded theory of punctuated equilibrium to compensate for that lack of evidence, along with DNA, mutations natural selection and intelligent design. Ron is the president of Reasoning From the Scriptures Ministries www.ronrhodes.org Education Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary (1986). Major Systematic Theology. Graduated with High Honors. Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary (1983). Major: Systematic Theology. Graduated with Honors. Elected to Dean’s List. BA, Houston Baptist University (1979). Recipient of the Greek Excellence Award. Books Authored by Ron Rhodes Conviction without Compromise 5-Minute Apologetics for Today [More]