Evolution says the earth is billions of years old. The Bible says it is about 6000 years old. What does science say? Discover the answer as Richard and Calvin discuss several scientific dating methods that refute the evolutionary timescale. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Although declining in popularity the idea that there could be a gap of millions of years between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 is still popular. The origin of the idea and some major problems with it are discussed in this episode. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
This episode is based on CMI’s booklet 15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History. It is a summary of some of the major arguments that the Genesis record must be taken as real historical events involving real people. Allegorical or mythological renderings result in massive theological difficulties. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
creation.com | One of the pillars of the Big Bang theory is that the light we see from objects far away has a higher redshift than closer objects. However, quasars with a very high redshift have been discovered in and near galaxies that have a low redshift. Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith explain what this means for the Big Bang. Main article: From Creation magazine 29(2) Bye-bye, big bang? (creation.com Related articles • What is redshift? (creation.com • High-redshift quasars produce more big bang surprises (creation.com • Astronomy and Astrophysics Q&A page (creation.com • Quasar with enormous redshift found embedded
Special guest Reverend Joe Boot, pastor of Westminster Chapel in Toronto discusses how the Christian worldview is logically consistent with all reality. Christianity is not a superstition, but backed by reason and logic unlike atheism and evolution. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
According to history recorded in the Bible everyone who has ever lived comes from Adam and Eve. At Babel, after Noah’s flood, God created several language groups from a single language group, resulting in the dispersion of these groups all over the world. This raises questions such as: how did different skin colors originate? What about all the fossil evidence for ‘races’ coming from ‘ape-men’? All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy from creation.com
Bible texts are referenced which indicate that creation took place about 6000 years ago. Massive theological problems associated with adding ‘millions of years’ to the Bible are also summarized. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith are joined by former atheist Dr Emil Silvestru (PhD, geology) to discuss and refute arguments made against a global flood as described in the Bible. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
What we believe about where What we believe about where we came from has implications for the question, “What is the meaning of life?” Consequently, creationists and evolutionists have very different answers to many “controversial” issues in the culture today. This Episode of Creation magazine LIVE explores the Christian/creationist position on “hot issues” According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Dinosaurs, those fascinating and mysterious creatures beg the question: where do they fit into the Bible? Evolution says dinosaurs fit into history millions of years ago. The Bible says that land animals (which would include dinosaurs) were created on Day 6 (the same day as people). Which view does science support? Get ready for amazing evidence showing that dinosaurs lived recently, just like the Bible says. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Summary A general introduction to the creation/evolution controversy and how it relates to science, moral issues and the central teachings of Christianity. Far from being a side issue, this is the ‘issue of issues’ for the church today. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Key evolution evidences that have been taught to millions of people for decades are refuted in this episode: -Haeckel’s embryo drawings showing how similar humans are to other animals. -Similarities between apes and humans. (homology) as support for a common ancestor. -Peppered moths as a good example of evolution in action. -Vestigial organs in humans show that we evolved from other animals. -The Miller/Urey experiment demonstrated that life can come from non-life. -Fossil evidence for the evolution of the horse. -Lucy was in the lineage of human evolution. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to
Does radioisotope dating provide solid scientific evidence for ‘billions of years’? This episode summarizes huge problems with this dating method and highlights recent research results that supports a young earth. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
This program summarises and refutes some of the arguments against the feasibility of Noah’s Ark as described in Genesis 6:14–16. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Summary A continuation of a general introduction to the creation/evolution controversy and how it relates to science, moral issues and the central teachings of Christianity. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.
Dr Emil Silvestru is our special guest for this episode on astronomy. Some of the many problems with the Big Bang and other notions of the evolutionary origin of the universe are summarized and contrasted with biblically based explanations. According to creation.com All episodes of Creation magazine LIVE! are free to watch, download to your computer and copy.