Creation Ministries International staff, many from a wide range of scientific disciplines, have produced thousands of articles now available in a massive online database. Some of the topics include the feasibility of Noah’s Ark and evidence for a global flood, scientific arguments that explain observations made from astrology, within a young-earth timeframe. Recent discoveries that support dinosaurs fitting within the Bible’s timeframe, biological evidence that shows that the changes observing in living things have absolutely nothing to do with evolution. Got Questions? Get answers at
Did life in all its complex forms come about by random mutation and natural selection or is there strong evidence for intelligent design? Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory –… Professor Andy MacIntosh – BSc, PhD, DSc, FIMA, CMath, FInstE, CEng, FInstP, MIGEM ,Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory, at Leeds University Research Interests: Fundamentals of Pressure Interactions with Flames; Interaction of Acoustics and Flames; An Exercise in Bi-mimetics; Ignition of Combustable Fluid and Vapour within Porous Material; Hot Spot Ignition