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For whatever reason, sleep tends to get a bad rap. For one reason or another, people don’t think they need it, consider it a waste of time, or feel that it really isn’t a top priority when they’re still younger. After all, you’ll have all kinds of time to sleep when you’re old. However, the truth is that sleep is very important and putting it off for a few hours one night to make up your lost shuteye another time doesn’t actually work. Getting sufficient sleep is essential to human health, function, development, and performance. It is part of the [More]
Many people are finally becoming acquainted with how plants such as cannabis are effective medicinally. Others are very familiar with the healing abilities of garlic, spinach, ginger and of course echinacea. However, there are so many others whose medicinal potential are rarely if ever mentioned and yet rival and even exceed those mentioned above in many areas. Medicinal plants contain a wide array of chemical compounds. They have a distinct order to their perfection. Natural selection pressures push these plants to “try out” variations on molecules to enhance the plant’s odds of surviving stressful environments. So, often, one molecule is [More]
“Good ole Hillary, just another establishment shill for GMO’s, what a surprise. She would be another unmitigated disaster, just like the current occupant is, to have in the WH. For more info on the Clinton’s and their evil doings, CLICK HERE.” Admin  Speaking at a conference in San Diego last week for the world’s largest trade organization of biotechnology firms, potential presidintial candidate Hillary Clinton backed GMOs and Big Ag, further displaying her allegiance to the industry in the eyes of sustainable food and organic advocates. While trumpeting her endorsement of GMO seeds when she served as Secretary of State, [More]
“Fascinating look at the global obesity problem.  It looks in detail at Mexico, China, Brazil and India  A common occurrence  in all of these countries, prior to their obesity explosions, was the arrival of the western fast food chains,  soft drink companies, supermarkets and the adoption of the western junk food diet. In other words lots of dead foods with abundant calories and little nutrition, a recipe for disaster causing an epidemic of diabetes and other ailments. Of course we here in the US have these same problems as well and are exporting them to the world… fast food for [More]
Another excellent expose on Monsanto, it’s destructive business practices, lies and GMO’s.
“As you’ll read the GM seed companies seem to go out of their way to make it difficult or impossible for independent researchers to evaluate their foods, if they are as safe as these companies say they are then why do they try to hinder independent research? I think we know the answer to that.”  Admin If you’re like me, you’ve probably been asked by many of your friends and relatives why you believe genetically engineered (GE) foods are unsafe. Dr. Judy Carman, one of the few researchers in the world who has carefully and independently evaluated this question, can [More]
If you ask just about anyone what their main fitness goals are, flat, toned and defined abdominals is usually at the top of their list. However, from a fitness standpoint, the aspiration for the “perfect set of abs” should be balanced with the type of training that will best enhance the overall strength of the entire core’s function. “Rock-Hard Abs” is about Far More than Aesthetics Your first inclination may be to think that doing a lot of sit ups will develop the type of abs you see in fitness magazines. But know this: No matter how many “crunches” you [More]
“Isn’t it nice to know the FDA is really looking out for our good health… NOT! You can watch the expose video on aspartame Sweet Misery here.”  Admin As reported before, aspartame has been shown time and again in studies (the ones not commissioned by the industry) to be bad for you. Now yet another new study, this one published in the journal Redox Biology, has concluded what lots of other research over the past decades has repeatedly shown — aspartame, the popular sweetener in over 6,000 grocery store items, including everything from soup mixes to carbonated beverages to chewing [More]
You’re probably still shivering at the thought of this past winter, but the summer heat is right around the corner and with it comes the dreaded high electric costs of cooling your house.What if there was a cheap, easy-to-make alternative to energy-sucking air conditioners?The video below shows how to make a non-compressor based air conditioner out of a 5 gallon bucket powered by a small fan. Read More  Natural Health News, Natural Remedies and Wellness Tips: Chill Out This Summer with a Homemade Air Conditioner.
This is no longer seen as alternative news or ‘conspiracy,’ not long ago what alternative health research has been saying for years is now admitted in the mainstream: most sunscreens on the market actually speed up your risk of skin cancer, as opposed to protecting you due to their ingredients. Although they can protect against sunburns, what is the health-related cost of using them? And are we getting the vitamin D from the sun that our bodies need if we use sunscreen? Can the sun really cause cancer? This is tough to say to be honest. In research found throughout [More]
Will Clower, Ph.D discusses the new science of chocolate and its many benefits to health and weight loss.
“There has been an explosion in new mental “disorders” created by the psychiatric industry over the last several decades resulting in millions being put on drugs, a bonanza for big medicine and big pharma but at what cost to society.”  Admin Twenty-six years have passed since Prozac, the antidepressant drug, was introduced to the US market and quickly achieved the label of a “wonder drug.” In the decade that followed, other antidepressant drugs including paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft), fluvoxamine (Luvox), and citalopram (Celexa) would be released, creating an entire class of medications known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Since [More]
I have long been a fan of coconut oil as one of the most health promoting of all plant-based fats.I have spent nearly 15 winters in Hawaii where fresh coconuts off the tree are readily available.Coconut oil comes from the “meat” of the coconut.But today, I’d like to share a little information about coconut oil’s best friend: coconut water.If you’ve ever picked up a fresh coconut in the grocery store and shaken it, you’ve heard the liquid sloshing inside—this is coconut water.Both coconut water and coconut milk come from coconuts, but they are not the same thing. Read More  Why [More]
Honey, one of the most incredible non-perishable foods that can kill almost every type of bacteria. It could also be one sweet solution to the serious, ever-growing problem of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, researchers said. Medical professionals sometimes use honey successfully as a topical dressing, but it could play a larger role in fighting infections, the researchers predicted. Their study was part of the 247th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society. “The unique property of honey lies in its ability to fight infection on multiple levels, making it more difficult for bacteria to [More]
An excellent Gary Null film about the dangers of vaccines and the politics behind them.
“The news just keeps coming on how disastrous GMO crops really are.”  Admin A new study will make it hard for Monsanto, Dow, and DuPont to argue that they aren’t simply desirous of eliminating all of nature, and then – us By Christina Sarich | Natural Society A detailed analysis of species diversity – more plants, animals, and insects – is included in the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Oxford University’s report published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, looking at data from 94 previous studies covering 184 farm sites dating back to 1989. It shows how organic farms support life on planet [More]
“Check out the articles in the health category for more good information on improving your overall fitness.”  Admin I recently shared with you about surrendering your body to God. This surrendering is where we all must start in order to reach our goals. Have you come to the point of surrender? I hope so. This month, we will consider the second part of getting unstuck in our fitness, and that is the subject of excuses. I have come up with the three Ts: time, tired, taste. I hear this first one so often: “Well, I just don’t have time to exercise.” [More]
Excellent expose on the multi-billion dollar Cancer Industry! Check out this post for more info and links to sites with info on alternative natural treatments. For more info on the heavy handed tactics of the FDA watch this video.
“Another good website to checkout in addition to the ones mentioned in the article  is www.drday.com. It’s the site of Dr. Lorraine Day who cured herself of cancer using natural means. Unfortunately the cancer industry is a hugh business with no real incentive to find any cure.”  Admin If you or someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, it is in your best interest to consider a second opinion away from the mainstream of the cancer industry. Oncologists will insist and even demand your immediate acceptance of surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. They will frighten you more than you already are with all [More]
“I posted this for informational purposes, use at your own discretion.”  Admin Despite the medical model which relies on pharmaceutical intervention for every known illness, there are well over one hundred common diseases that can be reversed naturally. That’s the difference between treatment for profit and healing for wellness. Arthritis (both rheumatoid and osteo) diabetes (both Type I and Type II), hypertension and cancer are all reversible with proper herbal strategies, nutrition and exercise. Read More  4 Diseases Few Are Aware Can Be Reversed Naturally Without Drugs.
Much of the focus of late has been on the toxicity of the main ingredient in Roundup ‘weedkiller,’ namely, glyphosate. And rightly so: far from being ‘practically non-toxic,’ as advertising copy once bragged,[i] the chemical has recently been shown to exhibit toxicity in the parts-per-trillion concentration range, and is being found literally everywhere: in the water, soil, air, rain and our food. But very little research has been performed on its metabolites and so-called ‘inactive ingredients’ – until now. A new study, published in Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology titled, “The effect of metabolites and impurities of glyphosate on human erythrocytes [More]
Vaccines contain much more than just viruses. They also contain a range of ingredients that may include antibiotics, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate (MSG), bovine fetal tissue, polysorbate and heavy metals like aluminum and the mercury-containing preservative thimerosal. Taking a chance on injecting that cocktail straight into a growing baby’s bloodstream, thus bypassing the majority of the child’s natural immune system and allowing it to go directly into the kid’s tiny developing brain, all to attempt to protect from a disease he or she may never even contract does seem ill-advised at best, and it’s a chance more and more parents are [More]
Strawberries are known to curb cardiovascular disease, cancer, and delay aging. A new study from Italy that supports the heart health benefits of the fruit was published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. It showed that daily consumption of strawberries may improve blood lipid levels and platelet function by a significant margin. Strawberries are an important fruit in the Mediterranean diet because of their high content of essential nutrients and beneficial phytochemicals, which seem to exert beneficial effects in human health. In fact, studies suggest that the high antioxidant levels in strawberries can help neutralize the negative effects of free [More]
Loads of studies over the years have shown that children who were breastfed score higher on IQ tests and perform better in school, but the reason why remained unclear. Is it the mother-baby bonding time, something in the milk itself or some unseen attribute of mothers who breastfeed their babies? It may be a little of both. Breast milk is the most nutritious feed for the baby, protects them against infections and offers various benefits to the mother, including helping to lose the weight gained during pregnancy and reducing the risk of certain cancers. Read More  Study May Show Another [More]
What do regions where a significant percentage of the people live past age 100 have in common? As it turns out, quite a bit. In September 2009, Dan Buettner gave a TED Talk in Saint Paul, Minnesota, focused on finding the answer to that very question. His presentation explored the habits of people living in ‘blue zones,’ areas of the world with the largest number of centenarians (people 100 years old or older). The worldwide winners were Okinawa, Japan, and Sardinia, an island off of the coast of Italy. In the United States, the winning area was Loma Linda, California. [More]
Have you ever heard or spoken the tired line of “single-dom” – but if I don’t get married, I might choke alone and die and no one will ever find me in my apartment until weeks later… But married people choke too – anyone can and they might be alone. The method of running into or bending over a couch arm has worked for people, but it doesn’t seem fail proof when you think of the abdomen clenching up in anticipation. And, what if there is no furniture; what if you are driving; what if you are too weak to [More]
An increasing number of people are moving into urban environments and away from traditional agriculture. As a consequence, those who have a mind for self-sufficiency can find themselves falling short. Storable foods are of course an important part of every emergency prepper’s pantry, but storable foods are not a sound long-term solution that contain optimal nutrition. Even produce from farmers markets and store-bought organic food will lose peak freshness faster than one might imagine. Alanna Ketler from Collective-Evolution explains: Most people do not realize that vegetables will lose about half of their nutrients within the first week of being picked. [More]